What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#77641 by Mark Bell
Tue Feb 25, 2020 5:58 am
Currently, to measure points/locations in 3D space and place values on screen, the Coordinates (Shift and ?) option is used with the 3D cursor, then selecting the Z value to identify and note the Z-values snapped to.

Wishlist - allow the use of a symbol attribute combined with Insert symbol by Current View (S4) which automatically snaps to points in 3D space, AND have the symbol attribute reference the z-base (wZb or rZb) to automatically note the wZh/rZh snapped to and include the value in the symbol attribute. This then allows snapping onto 3D elements, including slabs and walls to show their real world heights relative to wZb/rZb.



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