Forum dedicated to drawing translation issues.
#35255 by Miguel Palaoro
Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:01 pm
Hello Fellows,

Anyone who has Autocad available. Can I ask you for a favor ?
I suspect that there are different behaviors when using local USA characters table and International Multi-lingual conversion tables.

Would you be able to create a drawing using Autocad from version 2000 or later, containing only a few text lines ?

The contents of the drawing must have only the following, including text lines, and characters, in Autocad:
1) Circle Diameter
a) Draw a circle and measure the circle diamater
b) Type below the circle the following string: %%c
c) Put an isolated sign of the circle diameter: Ø, and inform how did you get it

2) Angle among two single lines
a) Draw two concurrent lines and measure the angle among both
b) Type below the angle origin the following string: %%d
c) Put an isolated sign of the degree: º, and inform how did you get it

3) Put a dimension among two points turning On limits
a) Draw a dimension where shoul appear limits (± tolerance)
b) Type below the dimension line the following string: %%p
c) Put an isolated sign of the plus/minus tolerance: ±, and inform how did you get it

My target is helping to fix the problems frequently risen from DXF and DWG formats importation into DataCAD.

Please make an Autocad Save As of this drawing in both formats:
for the versions:
R14, R2000 and your current native Autocad format.

I'll do the importation and testing, and reporting my findings on this thread.

Please use this address to send it to me

#35938 by Jon C. Hubart
Mon May 12, 2008 2:08 pm
I have sent the requested files and found that the conversion of the symbols to DataCAD is way off.

Diameter "Ø" is converted to Latin Small Letter I with Acute "í"
Degree "°" is converted to Diameter "Ø"
Plus/Minus "±" is converted to Latin Small Letter N with Tilde "ñ"

This held true for shx and ttf fonts tested.

I had expected the strings to be converted back to the original %% strings.

On reviewing the DXF file in notepad I see that the strings are indeed saved in the %% format. It appears that DataCAD is converting the strings but getting the conversion wrong.

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