Found a hidden feature or want to share a time-saving shortcut? Let us all know...
#33412 by Mark Bell
Tue Feb 26, 2008 10:27 pm
If you edit the Dcadwin.ini file in \datacad12 and scroll down to the [o2cViewer] section, then down to Remember Last View=TRUE (change from False), each time you open the o2C Viewer to set up a view, then close the viewer, it will re-open at the view you were last at. It's almost like a GTV for O2C and if you have set up materials and lights it actually looks better than a Quickshade. It's also quick as you can keep going in and out as you edit/change your model to quickly see the changes. It won't remember the +/- camera zoom, though you can quickly pick these to get the same viewpoint.

You can also set the background color to Black or whatever you want so it opens to your preference each time.
#35793 by Tiffany
Wed May 07, 2008 12:12 pm
Just played around with this today, its even better than I thought. I was not sure if you meant it remember the very last view regardless of which drawing you were using, howver each drawing has remembered its own view. So I can work on many projects without fearing I'm going to have to spend a few minutes wrestling with it trying to get back it set up again.

I have been wishing for o2c to remember camera positions, and this is close enough to make me happy :)

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