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#39820 by Miguel Palaoro
Wed Oct 15, 2008 1:53 pm

I've just received a nice contribution from a brazilian talented designer, Antonio Carlos Ciffoni, who found and additional use for the Remember Last View feature, which was implemented in 12.05 update:

Code: Select all[o2cViewer]
Remember Last View=TRUE

When set as TRUE this setting, on DCADWIN.INI, you can go back to the preview viewer position, inside o2c Rendering Object Viewer.

From that point, as you will understand from the image below, he did sequential changes in the door position, representing it as being opened in small percentuals, and at each new o2c load he saved the Raytracen image.
The result is that he kept all the images with the camera stuck on a same point of view.

The images were joined on an image animation engine, Animator Shop, which is a component of Paint Shop Pro.
Put in sequence all images and saved as a single animated GIF file, it creates the following effect:



#39821 by joshhuggins
Wed Oct 15, 2008 2:04 pm

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