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#77564 by dhs
Sat Feb 08, 2020 3:47 pm
My new Spaces Macro was released a bit over a week ago. The functionality is similar to Space Planner but with several enhancements (see my page at for a summary of the macros main features). I published a video demonstrating some of the macro's functionality at the time I released the macro.

One of the enhancements in the new macro is the ability to interface with Excel to import or export space data from/to a spreadsheet.
I have now produced a video demonstrating this Excel functionality.
The import functionality was suggested by Mark Madura, but I'm really not sure how many people will use that (feedback from several users regarding Space Planner suggested they used it mostly for existing plans). The export functionality can be used to report just about anything about the space into an Excel spreadsheet (and to update the data in the spreadsheet with just a few clicks if the drawing changes).

The first few minutes of the new Excel video deal with importing space definitions, but even if you are only interested in the Export functionality I suggest that you watch the whole video as the first few minutes provide some context to the latter part of the demonstration, particularly demonstrating how each space defined in your drawing can be linked to a particular row in your worksheet.

There are links to both videos on the product page at

David H.

p.s. Note that the macro will only interface with Microsoft Excel (which needs to be installed on the same computer where you are running the macro). It would be a reasonable amount of effort to extend that to other spreadsheets (such as Open Office), but one DataCAD user has already indicated a desire for it to work with Open Office ... I would be interested to hear from any others who would like it to work with spreadsheets other than Excel (if there is reasonable demand then I would look at adding that functionality)

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