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#66918 by joshhuggins
Sun Aug 02, 2015 2:23 pm
If you decide to go thru with the Windows 10 Free Upgrade offer, don't forget to deactivate your copy of Datacad before you start the process or you will have to manually deactivate your copy using the instructions here before you can activate Datacad for use in your new Windows 10 OS.
#66919 by MtnArch
Sun Aug 02, 2015 7:36 pm
A great reminder, since Windoze wants to update on IT'S timing!
#66921 by MtnArch
Mon Aug 03, 2015 9:10 am
Tried to update to Win 10 on my Win 8 laptop - it crapped out at 32% twice (I let it run the 2nd time for almost 8 hours - never budged). Giving up on Win 10 on it.
#66925 by Paul Nida
Mon Aug 03, 2015 1:34 pm
I installed Win10 on my laptop yesterday without any problems. It probably took an hour or more, I didn't time it, and rebooted the computer several times. I have one web based app that will only work with Internet Explorer. In the past I have tried it with Chrome and Opera and a couple of others without success. Probably because it requires a plugin that is not available on the other browsers. I tried it with the new Edge Browser that comes with Win10 and it wouldn't work with it either. So I had to locate Internet Explorer and use it. It is not a big deal but IE is still there you just have to look for it if you need it. The other problem I have had so far with Win10 is the new drivers for my laptop's touch pad. It took away some of the functions that it used to have. I haven't had time to work this one out yet. Win10 is supposed to have some of the functions that my touch pad already had but they may not be compatible with my laptop. I'll work on that as I have more time.
#66926 by joshhuggins
Tue Aug 04, 2015 1:11 pm
3 systems down so far with no issues yet. Nice thing is 3 programs that were not compatible with Windows 8 & 8.1 are now compatible with 10. I was prepared to write those programs off so that was a nice surprise.
#66928 by MtnArch
Tue Aug 04, 2015 1:24 pm
I'll have to run the update when I get back to the office - the vacation spot we're in has horrible internet service. Hopefully that's the issue.
#69100 by bradenaia
Tue May 31, 2016 11:03 am
We installed windows 10 update without deactivating Datacad and it worked just fine...while i agree it is good practice to deactivate for us it seemed to work. Now for some reason, we have one really annoying hiccup. When turning the layers on and off, if inside the layer command, F1 is pressed to turn on the layers using the keyboard, it closes out that drawing. It doesn't just closes just like getting booted out of the older version of Datacad for ram errors. I have re-installed the program and made a fresh install and it still persists. We have installed the 17.02 update as well. 17.04 doesn't seem to install in windows 10. If anyone has an idea how to fix this it would be amazing for you to share it. Windows says its a Datacad issue and no one seems to have gotten this issue but us and it seems no one can fix it.

Braden & Braden
#69101 by David A. Giesselman
Tue May 31, 2016 12:09 pm
Only the latest update of v17 will correct the problem you are experiencing in Window 10. You can download the full installer from our website here:


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