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#67526 by MAGERARCH
Wed Nov 11, 2015 5:56 pm
I'm a newbie to Datacad and am using the Datacad X3 Project Book as a guide to get up and running. I used Fastcad for 30 years, so I'm not a newcomer to CAD. I started with the lessons and things were going along swimmingly, when all of a sudden I can only draw horizontal lines or walls. It won't allow me to draw vertically. Did I toggle a lock somewhere, or what? If I go back to a previous drawing, all works fine. I could start a new drawing hoping that it never happens again, but, I know better than to try that. Has anyone had this happen before? Thanks in advance for the help.
#67533 by MtnArch
Fri Nov 13, 2015 8:49 am
The first thing to check is your snap angle - go to Utility/Grids/Snap Angle and make sure it isn't set as "1" or "2". If you want to only snap horizontally and vertically you would want it set to "4", if you want to snap at every 15 degrees set it to "24".
#67538 by MtnArch
Fri Nov 13, 2015 4:14 pm
Glad to help Rod! Feel free to ask anything - the DC users here are the friendliest, most helpful bunch you'll find anywhere!

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