What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#67386 by David A. Giesselman
Thu Oct 22, 2015 4:39 pm
joshhuggins wrote:File this under would be nice, but when Dave's bored :D Would it be possible to get an option to make ellipses by 2 points of the ellipse it's self vs. the overall rise and run? Should be 2x what we input now for ellipse creation and offset the start point to the intersection of the 2 points I would guess. Could be flipped during creation by using Ctrl/****+CTRL to get the correct orientation since you wouldn't know the exact intended input to start with.

Okay, that sounds a bit more complicated than it need be (please keep my small brain in mind with these wishes). How 'bout:

  • Enter center point
  • Enter a point on the major axis
  • Drag the ellipse to enter the minor axis


  • Enter 1st point on the major axis
  • Enter 2nd point on the major axis
  • Drag the ellipse (from the center) to enter the minor axis

Just a thought, mind you.

#67387 by joshhuggins
Thu Oct 22, 2015 6:19 pm
David A. Giesselman wrote:
  • Enter center point
  • Enter a point on the major axis
  • Drag the ellipse to enter the minor axis


  • Enter 1st point on the major axis
  • Enter 2nd point on the major axis
  • Drag the ellipse (from the center) to enter the minor axis
Actually both would be useful. The 2nd would meet my original need, but I could see the 1st being handy for fitting an ellipse within the center of a space. You can't be bored already tonight? ;)
#67389 by tigere
Fri Oct 23, 2015 12:27 pm
As an outlier looking in this caught my eye having just completed a step by step instructional for a company on how to define the floor layout for an elliptical staircase inside and outside definitions (a16 step process.) Now onto a 3D view of risers and treads - piece by piece.
Roger Pingree
#67411 by joshhuggins
Mon Oct 26, 2015 5:58 pm
Would it be possible for future versions of the installer under Custom install, to be able to uncheck any of the included example files listed below?

Color Palettes
Dimension Styles
Door Types
Hatch Patterns
Pen Tables
Wall Types
Window Types
#67427 by Mark Bell
Thu Oct 29, 2015 11:25 pm
V18- I'll hoping for (in no particular order):

1. a fix to the xref issue after a file crash which causes the xref to steadily increase in size and simultaneously slow down the speed of the xref,
2. a fix to smart doors/windows so the stay fixed inside the wall they have been inserted into,
3. a Plot Sheet Manager allowing quick and easy reordering of MSP's and batch plotting (similar to the LM),
4. new parametric stairs as a step forward from the DCAD_AEC macro,
5. new parametric roofs as a step forward from the RF Tools macro,
6. smart dimensioning that auto adjusts (use with smart entities),
7. auto door/window scheduler that generates door/window schedule layout drawings,
8. auto door/window tags that link themselves to the door/windows (these would be databased and contain the product/detail info),
9. extra wall type definitions to the smart walls,. ie. more than 4 lines that can define a wall type,
10. ability to add a symbol to define the smart door/window jambs and door handles in plan view, ie, would allow the standard rectangle to be replaced with an actual jamb profile - this may even be set to display at certain plot/screen scales,
11. transparent fills,
12. improved plot sheet generator that is able to reduce the file size when images are added as well as binding pdf's to a single output file,
13. knockout that can ignore fills (user option),
14. sub-layers where a layer can be expanded to include its own layers, ie. a 3D model of a car could have 30-40 layers. These layers would sit inside the main layer (ex. CAR1) rather than clutter the main layer list,
15. smart walls than can have a tapered/inclined/stepped z-b/z-h,
16. Sunshader that can output a 3D model similar to O2C for external viewing,
17. Additional pen numbers that can be mapped to a color fill with pen density also applied - the current 15 is too restrictive,
18. Fence-line clipcubes as an improvement over the X x Y only clipcubes,
19. Allow covered polylines to be stretched in an elevation view (currently they only work in a plan view),
20. improved smart door/window options to include more commercial style product types, ie. 3 + 4 leaf glass sliding doors typical on high rise apartments, (or the ability to add more door leafs using what's existing)
21. improved smart wall cleanups, particularly with dissimilar walls that auto clean.

I have a new bottle of scotch ready to celebrate.... :roll:
#67429 by Paul Nida
Fri Oct 30, 2015 9:31 am
Great list, hopefully we'll get some of it at least. But since we haven't had any new smart entities since they were introduced in 2007 with version 12, I don't have a lot of hope for some of them.
#67434 by joshhuggins
Fri Oct 30, 2015 2:23 pm
Great list Mark!
1. a fix to the xref issue after a file crash which causes the xref to steadily increase in size and simultaneously slow down the speed of the xref,
Will have to check this one out. I'm sure with your large complex 3D buildings you would see this a lot more than we would. If it's happening then it should be fixed if possible.
2. a fix to smart doors/windows so the stay fixed inside the wall they have been inserted into,
Makes sense to me.
3. a Plot Sheet Manager allowing quick and easy reordering of MSP's and batch plotting (similar to the LM),
Don't use MSP, but this also makes sense to me.
4. new parametric stairs as a step forward from the DCAD_AEC macro
I don't recall how the DCAD-AEC macro worked, but have you tried the 3D Stairs macro? It works pretty well to form out the basics and then I build off that.
5. new parametric roofs as a step forward from the RF Tools macro,
6. smart dimensioning that auto adjusts (use with smart entities),
7. auto door/window scheduler that generates door/window schedule layout drawings,
8. auto door/window tags that link themselves to the door/windows (these would be databased and contain the product/detail info)
I was thinking about this the other day as well and I keep coming back to I think if we had access to an actual database vs. the simpler TXT/CSV database (doesn't have to be anything super complex, but more lookup and database location access than we have now) it could prove to be SUPER powerful for these types of uses for quantities, schedule auto population etc, and anything else we could dream up. Being able to make symbol attribute that act like a database selection where we can use a drop down to select which database we want to use for one set of symbol attributes, and then be able to populate other symbol attributes within the symbol from that database's info like we can now would allow for excellent freedom and information opportunities.
9. extra wall type definitions to the smart walls,. ie. more than 4 lines that can define a wall type
Mo lines, mo better!
10. ability to add a symbol to define the smart door/window jambs and door handles in plan view, ie, would allow the standard rectangle to be replaced with an actual jamb profile - this may even be set to display at certain plot/screen scales.
I say yes to this at first glance, with the thinking that every part of the door/window system should be replaceable because the only other to get what we need would be to model the whole door system over and over with every possible combination of hardware, material, operation etc. If there is a better solution, I'd love to hear about it, but I think having each component being able to be defined by it's own symbol is probably the best bet. And if that's the case, tools to be able to change say the hardware or Jamb profiles via EGAFM is going to be needed, which leads me to think a Change, Smart Door\Window\Wall dialog would be needed so you could set all the parameters/symbols that need to be changed in the following EGAFM selection, similar to how the Change, Font dialog works now.
11. transparent fills
17. Additional pen numbers that can be mapped to a color fill with pen density also applied - the current 15 is too restrictive,
Yup - see thread
12. improved plot sheet generator that is able to reduce the file size when images are added as well as binding pdf's to a single output file
Only time will tell ;)
13. knockout that can ignore fills (user option),
I think any object should be able to be manually set to ignore knockouts.
14. sub-layers where a layer can be expanded to include its own layers, ie. a 3D model of a car could have 30-40 layers. These layers would sit inside the main layer (ex. CAR1) rather than clutter the main layer list,
15. smart walls than can have a tapered/inclined/stepped z-b/z-h,
16. Sunshader that can output a 3D model similar to O2C for external viewing
Do you mean a model that has the shading mapped on the model somehow?
18. Fence-line clipcubes as an improvement over the X x Y only clipcubes,
19. Allow covered polylines to be stretched in an elevation view (currently they only work in a plan view),
Oh please yes!
20. improved smart door/window options to include more commercial style product types, ie. 3 + 4 leaf glass sliding doors typical on high rise apartments, (or the ability to add more door leafs using what's existing)
I do this with symbols now, works pretty well.
21. improved smart wall cleanups, particularly with dissimilar walls that auto clean.
I'm sure that's on their list too.
#67437 by Mark Bell
Fri Oct 30, 2015 8:23 pm
I think I need to get back into joining the beta testing so I can add input along the way. It appears DataCAD is so close in a number of items and if these were progressed further the productivity enhancements would be huge. I'm sure it's the same over in the States where 'everyone' wants more for less and quicker. I think DataCAD is short selling itself and limiting its market presence by under estimating what it can do and refining some of the features that will streamline how we work. A lot of the consultants we work with use Revit and for all the hype it still takes just as long for them to get drawings out and often what they've done isn't right.

1. The issue with the xrefs after a file crash isn't new and first occurred with X3. The temporary work around is to go back through the files to the point the xref was originally created, save a DLF then re-import the DLF into the current drawing. This resets the file size and untangles the 'loop' it appears to get stuck in. The problem is with complex drawings with 40-50 xrefs and self xrefs is the time to go through and find which xrefs have been corrupted then go back through the earlier files to save out the DLF's then reload them.

2. The issue with smart doors/windows becoming loose from the smart walls is also an old issue so fixing this would be a good start to making the smart entities more workable/reliable,

3. Plot Sheet Manager - I guess this is most beneficial for offices that have to output larger drawing sets. I think this feature would also improve DataCAD's marketability to bigger offices as it's something they would soon realize they need,

4. -5. Improved parametric stairs and roofs - not immediately essential but an obvious progression to complement the current smart entities and streamline the design/documentation process,

6. smart dims - I would hope this isn't too difficult to implement. I think it was already there with DataCAD Plus and helps minimize errors when walls/doors etc. are moving around with last minute adjustment during architect-engineer coordination changes,

7. - 8. I'd like to see these developed sooner as the essential information is already present once a smart door/window is inserted into a wall. When you break down the main parts to a drawing set irrespective on how big or small a project is, a door and window schedule is part of the drawings required so it makes sense to develop this further,

9. The more we use the smart parametrics into documentation the more we are realizing the current 4 line definitions are too limiting. Some of the light weight steel stud partitioning is complex when including FRL's, acoustics and various finishes so having a higher number of wall/line definitions would certainly help,

10. With DataCAD's scale dependent symbols and using this method and applying it to the jambs/heads/sills of doors/windows will allow one object to be used for large scale plan drawings down to 1:10, 1:5 detail drawings where the level of detail can change from a rectangle to an actual manufacturer profile. The door/window/void smart entities have a lot of potential - they just need progressing,

May be DataCAD needs to set up a poll listing a range of proposed enhancements to develop then see what the feedback is?
#67457 by joshhuggins
Wed Nov 04, 2015 1:44 pm
I appreciate that Datacad is now letting us know about the different types of orphaned files better, but could the Orphaned Reference Files dialog box maybe just open up instead at start up if they are present? That would let people take care of the files if they want to right then, or they can just click Done and move on if they wish. Kind of getting a barrage of warnings now with some drawings, and we still have to access the manager if we want to take care of them. Seems like this would save a whole bunch of clicks all around. Maybe tabs could be added to the Orphan Manager to list Orphaned Nested References and Circular References also.
#67458 by David A. Giesselman
Wed Nov 04, 2015 1:58 pm
joshhuggins wrote:I appreciate that Datacad is now letting us know about the different types of orphaned files better, but could the Orphaned Reference Files dialog box maybe just open up instead at start up if they are present? That would let people take care of the files if they want to right then, or they can just click Done and move on if they wish. Kind of getting a barrage of warnings now with some drawings, and we still have to access the manager if we want to take care of them. Seems like this would save a whole bunch of clicks all around. Maybe tabs could be added to the Orphan Manager to list Orphaned Nested References and Circular References also.

Adding a tab for Orphaned Nested References is a bit pointless as they can only be corrected from within their own parent file. And what would be the point of a tab for Circular References as this is a user housekeeping issue and not something that could be resolved via repathing or redefining.

#67459 by joshhuggins
Wed Nov 04, 2015 4:10 pm
Listing the Orphaned Nested xrefs like the new popup does now on a Nested tab would be all that is needed on that tab. For circular xrefs, listing the name of the offending xref would help hunt it down. Right now as far as I know, finding both of these types of orphaned references is usually a slow hunt and peck process.
#67527 by joshhuggins
Wed Nov 11, 2015 6:50 pm
Could the Print Settings, Paper Orientation At Device have 4 options 0°,90°,180°, 270°? Would prefer not to have to use the Rotate option if possible.
#67528 by Mark Bell
Thu Nov 12, 2015 1:49 am
Presently, when wanting to access the knockout menu to make changes you have to go through the Change / more / knockout etc.

Wishlist - add to the dimensions menu / change / S3 Knockout so the menu can be quickly accessed for changes to dimension text whilst still being in the dimensions menu.
#67996 by joshhuggins
Mon Jan 11, 2016 8:29 pm
joshhuggins wrote:Wish for maybe a path entry we could set that Datacad could default back to if the last folder opened does not exist instead or recreating that folder. Chances are if it doesn't exist, it's because I don't want it to exist anymore :wink: Similar for missing bitmaps folders. Thanks.
Just deleted 516 empty folders from from our drawings directory and 3,000+ in our backup server. Just a little bump for this wish :D
#68112 by joshhuggins
Mon Jan 25, 2016 7:50 pm
When grouping entities, I often forget that it is going to move the entities to active layer. 99% of the time the entities are already on the layer they should be on and often I am on a different layer and I don't need it to move them to my active layer. Could we get a button/toggle in the Group menu or an ini setting to use the layer of the first selected object instead?

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