What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#1142 by Martell
Mon Mar 21, 2005 3:09 am
Is it possible to get a snapshot function?
Often drawings changes. Sometimes I want to go back to a past drawing.
After you close DataCAD, no undo redo is possible.
So I must save different drawing parts to different drawings.
So a snapshot can restore a old version of my drawing.
Hope you can understand what I would like to have.

Best regards
#1144 by Tony Blasio
Mon Mar 21, 2005 7:29 am
It sounds to me alot like the sessions function.

In DataCAD 11 you can turn on a feature called Sessions. This bascially copies the last Saved version of your drawing each time you Save and Exit a drawing. You can even tell datacad how many sessions to save.

If you are using DC11 check it out, it can be turned on from the Tools, Preferences Dialogue.
#1158 by Martell
Mon Mar 21, 2005 12:35 pm
Hello Tony,
Yes, it is like the session function.
But I do not want to create a new file.
The main problem is that we have to much files with different content.
And sometimes I loose the overview.
I mean a funktion like views inside DataCAD.
A unlimited redo undo system.
DataCAD knows all the steps that I have done. So I want to set a point in the tree hierachie and DataCAD restore this point.
I know other CAD systems that got this function.

Best regards
#1159 by Martell
Mon Mar 21, 2005 12:37 pm
Who killed my avatar? :evil:
#1162 by joshhuggins
Mon Mar 21, 2005 1:03 pm
First, I think you might have missed the post that you need to upload your avatar in your profile as they are all being stored on the forum server now.

Next, I think most programs just save those previous version is the same file instead of in a seprate file, and in turn their individual file sizes increase just as much relative to there compression software as to Datacad's external files. I prefer Datacad's method because I don't have to worry about messing with my current drawing if I want to view a previous version. So there might be a little storage overhead as compared with other file types, but I don't think it's that much. HD space is so cheap these day's I don't think disk space is a valid point anymore.
IMHOEHO (In My Huge Overstated Exaggerated Humble Opinon)
Hey those things really do save typing time :mrgreen:
#1165 by artmanvt2000
Mon Mar 21, 2005 3:02 pm
I understand how sessions are used, but where are they stored? What happens if you have a small network of cad machines and a different user whats to use a previous session?
#1166 by Neil Blanchard
Mon Mar 21, 2005 3:14 pm
Hello Arthur:

The sessions files can either be stored in the same directory as the files themselves -- it creates a "Sessions" subdirectory for you; or, they can be stored in a different directory. In this second option, all the Sessions files from different projects are stored in the same place, but in their own subfolders.

You can choose which scheme you want in the Program Preferences dialog -- though I guess that you would have to do this the same way on all machines. The default method is the first way, so if you enable Sessions on all machines, all you have to do is be consistent on how many sessions you enable on each machine.

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