What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#11705 by Robert Peters
Fri May 19, 2006 10:41 am
I would really like to be able to use all linetypes on curves and have them stay smooth. Like property lines. I can't have a curved property line or it gets a jaggedy. please, please, please! Why don't I see this brought up more often? Am I doing something wrong or missing something?
#11715 by Paul Nida
Fri May 19, 2006 1:09 pm
I have been asking for this for 19 years, but I am a malcontent. I thought you were happy with the way things are.
#11721 by Robert Peters
Fri May 19, 2006 4:25 pm
I asked for it years ago also, but had forgotten.
They have incorporated many of my wish list items over the years.
This one may be impossible due to the nature of custom linetypes, but it doesn't hurt to ask!
I obviously can live with it, and it's definately not worth changing CAD programs over.
I also wouldn't be surprised to see it incorporated in a future version.

I am sorry to all the people I offended.
I deal with people that are impossible to please daily, and vented some frustration. (I.E. "it's CAD, why aren't you done yet?)
#11723 by Paul Nida
Fri May 19, 2006 9:58 pm
Robert, for the record, you didn't offend me and you didn't make me mad or anything like that. I apologize if I offended you or anyone else. I have asked for some of this stuff for many years, including parametrics and especially custom linetypes on curves and, my other pet peeve, not being able to properly fillet between arcs and lines and arcs. I have asked for these things as official wishlist items and unofficially on both this and the DBUG forum. My requests have been routinely ignored. I have become very frustrated and very pessimistic about the future of DCAD. As I said before, we have been promised so many things for so long rarely received anything from any of the promises, that I have begun to feel more and more that I have been lied to and lead on. And I don't like being lied to or lead on. Maybe the linetypes on arcs is impossible in DCAD as you said, but every other cad program I am aware off can do it. They have had to do major code rewrites on DCAD when they switched to Windows and when they went to 32 bit code for 11. If it is something basic in the code, why couldn't they have fixed it then. Now they have said that we are getting "Windows Linetypes" in v12. That is NOT a fix it is just a bandaid. I does NOT solve the problem.

Again this is not meant as an attack on you. But Datacad needs to know that they are starting to PISS SOME OF ITS USERS OFF.
#11735 by Dick Eades
Sun May 21, 2006 9:11 pm
I could have sworn that c. 1988 or '89 there was a brief time when we actually did have this because I remember noticing it and then a subsequent update took it away.
#11749 by Steve Scott
Mon May 22, 2006 12:48 pm
Yes, it's still a wishlist item. A PITA workaround for property lines is to
use a dashed line, then fill in the necessary gaps with segments of solid
lines. I've used two different colors (same pen width) as a visual
reminder that something tricky is happening.

I can see problems with linetypes that are not "straight", like insulation,
shingle edges, grass, utility linetypes and the like, but property lines are
one of the most basic linetype to architecture - every piece of property
I've ever worked with has them. In production housing, every block has
at least four lots with curved property lines that follow the curve of the
curb at a street corner and every plan layout needs to show property
#11752 by Steve Baldwin
Mon May 22, 2006 1:38 pm
Dick Eades wrote:I could have sworn that c. 1988 or '89 there was a brief time when we actually did have this because I remember noticing it and then a subsequent update took it away.

Actually, it looks like we still can SORT OF do it. It just depends on which LineType that you need to use, and the spacing required, as to whether or not it SORT OF works ok...


[Edit: As in the original post, the "jaggedy" property line is unacceptable.]
#11753 by Rocket468
Mon May 22, 2006 2:46 pm
Yea, I had to resort to using solid on any lot with a curve. If one line type was fixed i wish it was the property line type.

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