What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#12021 by deliriousga
Mon Jun 05, 2006 1:33 pm
I would love to see a "Deselect" function added. In most graphics programs I use, I can grab a bunch of entities then hold the control key and deselect the 2-3 items I don't want included before copying, moving, etc. This would be very helpful in those times when you accidentally grab something instead of having to escape out and re-select everything over again.
#12026 by Neil Blanchard
Mon Jun 05, 2006 3:09 pm
Hello John,

This is coming in v12. As someone who never used ACAD (except a few times), I am never "looking" for this function, but often folks who have switched to DataCAD from ACAD do miss this. Old habits die hard...and there are ways that DataCAD can be used that avoid using Multiple, almost entirely; so those of us "raised" on DataCAD have not been asking for this.
#12192 by deliriousga
Fri Jun 16, 2006 11:46 am
That's good news, Neil. I've never used AutoCAD either, but am used to this function in Illustrator, Photoshop, etc. since I was raised on the graphics scene. So far, most guys I have spoken with who used AutoCAD before and went to DataCAD when the came here don't want to go back. :wink:

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