What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#2824 by kscottr181
Tue May 24, 2005 1:03 pm
I use the real-time pan much of the time rather than the arrow keys. Is there a way to confg my mouse scroll wheel to activate the real-time pan when I press and hold the scroll wheel down?
#2831 by joshhuggins
Tue May 24, 2005 3:38 pm
If you can program your mouse software to map to (Ctrl+Alt+Left Mouse Button), then yes. Datacad doesn't allow for this mapping in the program it's self. I had my thumb button setup as that before, but I prefered the arrows my self because the thumb button was awkward while using Datacad, and I like the middle button set to object snapping.
#3037 by Sinha
Fri Jun 03, 2005 7:08 pm
Wow!! How can I program my mouse button
#3041 by Neil Blanchard
Fri Jun 03, 2005 11:15 pm

Sinha wrote:Wow!! How can I program my mouse button

In your mouse software or control panel -- this is more likely to be there if you have a 4 or more buttons on your mouse.

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