What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#37812 by Steve Scott
Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:31 pm
I've posted this wish several times, but I'll do it again. We wish for an
additional stamp option that, when X-ref'd, will display the pathname of
the source file, not the destination file. Our entire detail sheet and library
system depends on the ability to identify the path of a detail file. This was
doable using the SPLOT macro, but a manual execution in each detail file
was necessary to change the path every time a detail was created,
moved to another folder, duplicated, or change of name. The SPLOT
macro also displays the .dc5 extension by default, since it was created
before the .aec extension.

When DataCAD's stamp feature came out, several of our project teams
replaced path stamps in all their details, not realizing that doing so would
result in every detail displaying the path of the detail sheet. These details
rear their heads from time to time and need to be corrected.

Here's still wishing for the source file pathname stamp. It could differ
from the existing stamp by reading, "source file path:" or something

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