What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#4105 by Nick Pyner
Thu Jul 07, 2005 7:38 pm
I don't know why it has taken me so long to raise this gripe.
I don't know why nobody else is complaining. Or have it missed it?
I don't know why we don't already have this.

I have my whole \DataCad subdirectory sans \DWG backed up to CDR. This is my personal version. If anything goes seriously wrong, I simply re-instal DCad, delete the subdir and copy my stuff off the CD.
Far more likely, I simply rename \DataCad \aa, reinstall, delete the new \DataCad and reaname \aa back to \DataCad, i.e. my hard drive is OK.

In short, the time when I have to do this is when I am obliged to reinstall Windows. Windows is always the problem, never DataCad. So much so that if there ever IS a problem with DCad it is invariably due to my having to reinstall it because of a problem with Windows.

In the light of that, I WISH there was an option on the DataCad disk that does nothing but install the hardlock driver.

Driver Only

If it is possible to offer to install it immediately on start-up, no password even, just like my cameras' USB connections, so much the better. This cannot be hard to do.
#4107 by Neil Blanchard
Thu Jul 07, 2005 8:10 pm
Hi Nick:

There are two ways to do this: in the Custom installation, you can select the driver only. And secondly, you can get the driver (and the HASP driver needed for WinXP) from the DataCAD website. :wink:
#4111 by Nick Pyner
Fri Jul 08, 2005 6:56 am
Nope, I don't see that amongst the nine options in custom installation. Perhaps there is some secret by which you get the driver if you go ahead without taking any options, but I see no hint of it.

I'll check the Home site for the driver for W98. It should be on the CD - and in plain view.
#4114 by David A. Giesselman
Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:10 am
Hello Nick:

Although not precisely what you are asking for, there is a stand-alone installer for the Hardlock drivers included on the DataCAD CD-ROM. If you browse the CD you will see a folder named Hardlock. Within that folder is the Aladdin installer for the Hardlock drivers.

#4118 by Nick Pyner
Fri Jul 08, 2005 10:09 am
Thanks David

Hmmmm, I see o2c_2go is there too....

No, it is not precisiely what I wanted but it will do. The only problem is that the CD autoplays every time. Humm I have just realised that I can lift that off your CD and put it on another CD with all my other drivers.
OK, we are on a winner. And I think it's one for Cheap Tricks. (I still think it should be a setup option though...)

What a wunnerful forum this is.....

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