What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#57237 by Mark Bell
Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:39 pm
When using multiple symbols and/or xrefs the drawing file takes longer and longer to refresh the display and also makes navigation in 3D sluggish. The wishlist is to add a toggle (maybe in the SWOTHLUD...) that only displays a symbol or xref extents, ie. a bounding box and the insertion point. A further wishlist would be to ctrl-right click over each symbol or xref and individually turn off its bounding box extents to display all the entities. When designing and modelling it would then allow portions of a building where the design has been resolved to be displayed as a bounding box leaving the other areas still being designed to be displayed in full. This would increase navigation and display speed with larger building models and reduce my coffee intake whilst waiting for the screen to finish displaying.... :D
#57242 by joshhuggins
Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:19 am
You can kind of do this with xrefs now. If you go to up to Insert, Reference File Management, Suppress All, it will turn off all xrefs leaving only their insertion point. You can then Ctrl+Right click on a per xref basis and pick Xref Tools, Unsuppress to display it. I know it doesn't show the extents boxes, but it gets you pretty darn close. Adding this feature to symbols would probably get ya 99% of what your looking for it sounds like with maybe some extended character codes to suppress/unsuppress all symbols/xrefs? Good ideas.
#57244 by Mark Bell
Fri Apr 27, 2012 1:06 am
Hi Josh,

Thanks for the tip. My main reason for the bounding box is so I can see the building extents and see where everything fits. DataCAD's old Visual Reality has this feature for navigation and it allows a complex model including 3D landscaping to dynamically move around effortlessly....and VR is ancient! (Windows 3.11) :lol:

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