What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#74037 by David A. Giesselman
Mon Jun 04, 2018 3:32 pm
Okay, it is done for the next Subscription update.

DistTimes2.JPG (64.23 KiB) Viewed 12819 times

#74072 by David A. Giesselman
Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:39 am
Just a reminder that these will only show up if you have added/modified the following key in the [General] section of the INI file:

New 3D Menus=TRUE

Setting this key to TRUE tells DataCAD to try and align the options in the 3D editing menus to their 2D counterparts. This was added back in v17.

#74073 by jimgoodman
Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:48 am
David A. Giesselman wrote:Just a reminder that these will only show up if you have added/modified the following key in the [General] section of the INI file:

New 3D Menus=TRUE

Setting this key to TRUE tells DataCAD to try and align the options in the 3D editing menus to their 2D counterparts. This was added back in v17.


And I have been grateful ever since. :D
#74086 by joshhuggins
Mon Jun 11, 2018 1:45 pm
Would it be possible to get a text box added below the Folder Tree Selector for manual path entry in the Symbol Browser Folder select dialog box so we can manually type the path to a share/folder? We have some servers here which do not have Windows Network Discovery turned on so we access them with UNC paths.
#74207 by joshhuggins
Wed Jun 27, 2018 3:45 pm
Could the .DPS printer settings files be read so the line

Code: Select allLast Plot Scale=

won't change the plot scale when loaded? Was working with a drawing file and took me a while to figure out that the reason it was not loading the right scale was the scale position in the scale list for this drawing had changed compared to when the .DPS file was saved. Tried a few manual edits hoping they might work but no luck. With the print scale drop down now it's easy enough to manually set that after the Print Settings are loaded if this can be an option, even if we have to manually adjust the files after they are saved.

- left value blank; loaded first scale in the list
- cleared line; loaded first scale in the list
- set value to 0; crashed drawing.
- set value to 20 in hopes it pickup the S0 No Change button; crashed drawing.

( How's that extended scale file coming? ) :twisted:
#74209 by David A. Giesselman
Wed Jun 27, 2018 4:53 pm
joshhuggins wrote:Could the .DPS printer settings files be read so the line

Last Plot Scale=

won't change the plot scale when loaded?

Done for the next update.

#74210 by joshhuggins
Wed Jun 27, 2018 5:08 pm
David A. Giesselman wrote:
joshhuggins wrote:Could the .DPS printer settings files be read so the line

Last Plot Scale=

won't change the plot scale when loaded?

Done for the next update.

So fast! Thanks Dave!
#74211 by David A. Giesselman
Wed Jun 27, 2018 5:18 pm
joshhuggins wrote:So fast! Thanks Dave!

Not really. I had only checked the Forum just before I posted. I usually don't take that long! ;)

Guess I'm slacking. :?

#74325 by joshhuggins
Thu Jul 12, 2018 4:30 pm
In the Layers menus of the Import Drawing File and Purge dialogs , could we get an option to deselect empty layers so we can leave behind any layers that are empty to help cleanup problematic files.
#74447 by joshhuggins
Wed Jul 25, 2018 12:37 pm
When we export DWG files to a folder it's often to a temporary folder so we can zip the resulting files together. Could Datacad release it's hold on the folder once the export process is complete? We can't edit or delete the temporary folder until we close Datacad to release it's hold on the folder.
#74582 by joshhuggins
Tue Aug 21, 2018 5:11 pm
When we use Move Drag or Copy Drag, Datacad's keyboard's arrow key input gets interrupted by mouse movements resulting in the display not moving and stacking up the arrow key input which when they finally get their turn often jump past the point the user wants to scroll to. This has been like this forever it seems, but I what I just noticed was other similar commands do not seem as sensitive to the mouse movement interrupting. I can Move Drag or Copy Drag a symbol and get the issue, but if I insert the same symbol from the symbol browser the keyboard is not interrupted (if it is it's nowhere near as noticeable). I thought it might be related to the rubber band being drawn but the stretch command doesn't seem to do it either. Anywho if the rubber band being disabled help with this I wouldn't miss it. Just seems from on our side of the screen that the performance should be similar. Not sure what the Drags would be doing behind the scenes to cause such a difference in input performance.
#74614 by David A. Giesselman
Tue Aug 28, 2018 12:03 pm
joshhuggins wrote:When we use Move Drag or Copy Drag, Datacad's keyboard's arrow key input gets interrupted by mouse movements resulting in the display not moving and stacking up the arrow key input which when they finally get their turn often jump past the point the user wants to scroll to. This has been like this forever it seems, but I what I just noticed was other similar commands do not seem as sensitive to the mouse movement interrupting. I can Move Drag or Copy Drag a symbol and get the issue, but if I insert the same symbol from the symbol browser the keyboard is not interrupted (if it is it's nowhere near as noticeable). I thought it might be related to the rubber band being drawn but the stretch command doesn't seem to do it either. Anywho if the rubber band being disabled help with this I wouldn't miss it. Just seems from on our side of the screen that the performance should be similar. Not sure what the Drags would be doing behind the scenes to cause such a difference in input performance.

I believe I have this corrected for the next update.

#74615 by joshhuggins
Tue Aug 28, 2018 12:23 pm
David A. Giesselman wrote:I believe I have this corrected for the next update.
Great, looking forward to it! Thanks Dave!
#74689 by joshhuggins
Fri Sep 07, 2018 2:41 am
Would it be possible so if we have a symbol attribute that has a knockout, if the attribute does not have any text to show that the knockout turns off? What I am running into is the knockout border is still knocking out even when there is no text to show. The knockout / KO border is offset from the single "|" place holder you see for an attribute that has no text when you turn off the display of text so it's more than knocking out just the "|". Hope this makes sense. Getting late, can expand on if needed.
#74692 by David A. Giesselman
Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:35 am
joshhuggins wrote:Would it be possible so if we have a symbol attribute that has a knockout, if the attribute does not have any text to show that the knockout turns off? What I am running into is the knockout border is still knocking out even when there is no text to show. The knockout / KO border is offset from the single "|" place holder you see for an attribute that has no text when you turn off the display of text so it's more than knocking out just the "|". Hope this makes sense. Getting late, can expand on if needed.

Done for the next update.


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