What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#8147 by curtschultz
Mon Dec 05, 2005 4:21 pm
If the order of the layers could be GTV specific, when I need to move an item to another layer or want to turn on & off a layer for checking something (like turning on another level floor plan to just align the walls) It would not take as long to locate layers. I could arrange the order of the layers based on each GTV and group then so I could find specific layers quickly. Floor plans with floorplans, section layers with sections, etc.
#8151 by Steve Scott
Mon Dec 05, 2005 7:39 pm
This would have to be coordinated with the layer order display, but
I can see some benefits. The layer manager could display a separate
list with just the "on" layers shown, and in their own order. This could
be reflected in the display area and tabbing between layers could
either be done according to the master layer list or the sublist specific
to that GTV. Yeah, this would help sometimes.
#8166 by Rob Hepburn
Tue Dec 06, 2005 11:46 am
I like that idea, I just had to set up 1deck, 1ceiling, 1mech, 1 arch and same for 2nd floor and 3rd fl for a crew building them. I have set up these views to have certain layers turned on as I change GTV's, but for example, When I'm in a deck layer and framing out for plumbing, stairs, ect, I don't want these layers on when I GTV as the framing crew only needs the deck and deck dimensions, but when I need to turn on dirrent layers to check for clearance and alignment there are many layers to scroll through to find them.
It would be nice if: ADD A VIEW> pick layers to be added>pick layers to be turned on.
A view all set up ready to go with cetain certain layers on and a few more to turn on when needed. Good idea curtschultz.

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