What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#71232 by GuyS
Mon Apr 17, 2017 10:39 am
I know there are work arounds for this but it would be extremely useful to have a function like MS Excel has. That is, "find and replace" text. With excel you can have the app search the whole page for and replace a text string with an updated/changed text string.
#71233 by Roger D
Mon Apr 17, 2017 12:13 pm
There is a macro, Scrive out there that has the function in it.

Or, you can do a change/text/content, search by area with mask/Entity/Text/Text Mask/Text Search then enter the text. You would have to do the replace for each find, but if you have the text copied via Ctrl-C, then you could paste with Ctrl-V. Fairly quick.

I think I got this command alias to work, put it in the dcadwin.dca file
comment=Find-Replace text
alias=^;^F0^S8^S2^F5^S8^F0^F1^S7^S7^F1^S3^F1^F1^F1^ªEnter Text to find^S0^S0^S0^F3
#71238 by joshhuggins
Mon Apr 17, 2017 5:01 pm
I use the subtext macro for this on plain text.
#71241 by Roger D
Tue Apr 18, 2017 7:19 am
year that macro has sat quietly in the folder never used. Now I need to remember why it is there.
#71242 by GuyS
Tue Apr 18, 2017 9:25 am
Very handy indeed Roger! Especially when changing room labels for multi office buildings, or correcting/changing spec sheets!
#71300 by Roger D
Sat Apr 22, 2017 2:26 pm
neither Scrive or SubText will, just tested.
But Change/Text/Content Text Mask will find the word.
#71493 by dhs
Sun May 14, 2017 3:27 am
Not surprised that neither scrive nor subtext work on PText ... PText does not appear to have been exposed to DCAL. Not only is it not documented in the DCAL manual, but a macro does not even appear to be able to examine a PText entity (e.g. if a macro selects entities by area that includes a PText entity, then the PText entity is not even amongst the entities returned to the macro).
So as it stands there will not be a macro that can handle ptext this (not even my old dhText macro).
#79664 by joshhuggins
Wed Apr 21, 2021 4:25 pm
Lars wrote:what about ptext and mtext? has this been fixed yet?

There is no FIND AND REPLACE function built in for P/MText yet. If your just using PText (Or MText that has all the same formatting) you can copy the text from the P/MText popup and paste it into something like Notepad and use it's Find and Replace function, and then copy and paste it back into the P/MText popup. If you have Mtext that has different formatting like different colors, Normal & Bold fonts, etc, you can Ctrl+Right click on the MText and choose Format RTF and copy the contents of the dialog that pops up and paste that into Notepad, do your Find and Replace for the text you want to swap, and then copy the updated text, and replace the text in the Format RTF dialog box and click OK and then Apply in the Properties dialog box.
#83112 by dhs
Thu Jul 25, 2024 4:22 pm
Regarding ParaText and MText, I am in the process of updating my TextReplace macro so that it can at least detect (and report) if the search text is found in either of these entity types. I should stress that it can NOT actually replace the text in these entities, but at least it will alert the user that it exists and they need to do the replacement manually (as noted by Roger in a previous post, you can then use Change/Text/Content Text Mask to find and change the pText/mText entity)

The updated macro will be compatible with DataCAD v22 onwards. It is not fully ready for release yet (have not updated help etc), but you can download a zip of the new macro here (note this is dmx file only, you will need to download and install v1.0 first and then overwrite the installed TextReplace.dmx and with the new one). I expect to be updating this macro further to include the normal selection criteria in addition to the layer options that it already has.

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