What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#64871 by Mark Bell
Fri Sep 19, 2014 9:37 pm
Another wishlist item which we got used to with DataCAD Plus is transparent fills. A sort of work around so far is to map the fill colors to the pen colors and lower the print density in the Pen Table. The limitation of this is DataCAD only appears to allow 15 pen settings. The first 8 are pre-assigned which only leaves 7 spare. In a lot of situations this isn't enough, especially when importing xrefs which are mapped to lighter background colors so the line weights are less dominant on the prints.

Wishlist - add more pen numbers to the pen settings to allow additional colors AND varying Percent Density to be applied. An alternative could be to add a Percent Density option to the 255 Pen Assignments (another column?) then we could un-tick (uncheck) the map fill color option.
#64872 by joshhuggins
Fri Sep 19, 2014 10:12 pm
256 pens? Sounds good to me! :mrgreen:
#64873 by jimgoodman
Sat Sep 20, 2014 7:43 am
That would be a great addition!
#64887 by melina
Wed Sep 24, 2014 3:56 pm
Is it too late to add? (apologies if these are repeats)

1. Angle>Match would recognize smart arrows as lines

2. Text Angle added to the Text Properties dialog box (rotates about insert point)
#64933 by Paul Nida
Fri Oct 03, 2014 1:19 pm
Neil Blanchard wrote:It would be lovely to be able to Partial Erase polylines.

Put a vertex point at each point where you want to do a partial erase and then delete the edge in between.
#64987 by joshhuggins
Wed Oct 08, 2014 5:33 pm
Neil Blanchard wrote:Can the Symbol Browser show us both DSF's and SM3's at the same time? So, if there are two versions of the same symbol, we can delete one.
Unless your using v.11 or older for some reason why do you have SM3's around still? I would see if I could get Datacad to verify that the ini line


won't over write any existing DSF symbols, (I don't recall) backup your symbol folders to be safe, set the ini line to True and go to town browsing your symbol folders to get things undated to DSF files. Then preform a search in your symbol locations for SM3 files and delete them.

Neil Blanchard wrote:Also, in the Save Symbol dialog, it would be great to see "All Supported Files" all the time.
Not sure if your asking to be able to save symbols back to SM3 files or not here, but no way should v17 save symbols down to SM3 files :?
#64988 by Neil Blanchard
Thu Oct 09, 2014 8:43 am
We have converted the SM3's to DSF's, but when those get renamed (so they appear in a logical order), then the SM3's reappear in the SB. But when you go to Save Symbol, you cannot see the SM3's that are in the folder, and this just gets confusing.

I need to be able to see the SM3's in DataCAD, so I can delete them, after they have been converted to DSF's.
#64989 by David A. Giesselman
Thu Oct 09, 2014 9:23 am
Enter *.* in the Filename field of the Save As dialog and it will display all files.

#64995 by seasdes
Thu Oct 09, 2014 11:46 pm
Mark Bell wrote:..and some enhancements to smart entities:

1. fix the issue with doors/windows coming loose from walls, (this is a big obstacle in using the smart entities for construction documentation drawings),
2. improved cleanups, including fixing the issue where different wall types that a mirrored, copied, rotated etc. and their end points coincide causing a wall(s) to shoot off into space,
3. allow trim-to function where a wall can be trimmed up/down to a selected slab, polygon, covered polyline, 3D line,
3. fix the issue when 2-line trim of curved wall and straight wall which often results in the curved wall changed its radius,
4. fix the issue in offsetting a curved wall which results in it changing to a straight wall,
5. improve curved walls creation and support for inserting doors/windows,
6. expand on the smart entity palette allowing more commercial options for doors, window, curtain walling etc.
7. add double doors where one door leaf is a different size than the other, (hotels, medical/hospital, function rooms etc.).
8. add the option to display the door handles in 2D as per DataCAD Plus,
9. add double, triple, (user option) sliding glass doors (highrise apartment sliders, commercial autosliders etc.), louvres, corner sliders without the mullion,
10. add smart balustrading, handrails, fencing,
11. add the option to display a dashed line (or user defined line) for cutouts, door/window heads, sills,
12. allow the smart walls with doors/windows/cutouts in to display a plan view at a user defined wall height so the same walls can be used for a reflected ceiling plan. This means if the floor plan is changed the RCP automatically changes to.
13. add smart elevation and section tags/views which link to the plan and section or elevation generated. Placing a 4-directional internal elevation tag would automatically link and generate 4 internal elevations in a room/space,

...and improve the speed DataCAD handles information. We can load a 200mb+ file in our render package and it is able to be moved around the screen effortlessly yet DataCAD jumps and jerks around or crashes with only modest entity selections. Even Visual Reality (1990's vintage) could handle large amounts of data easily so improving how DataCAD holds data and allows the user to navigate through a model would be welcome.


I thought that windows and doors separating from walls was fixed. How often does this occur. I am about to give smart walls and windows one last try. However I won't if this is a significant issue.
#64999 by Neil Blanchard
Fri Oct 10, 2014 1:01 pm
I am working in DataCAD 17 today! :D

Two Symbol Editor wishes:

Enlarge / Center / Insertion Point (aka Absolute Zero)

It would be great to have a Change / Color macro that mapped all colors to one new color, or each of the 15 colors to 15 different colors. We could save a color map and open each symbol in a folder and just invoke the macro and have all the colors get changed to what we need them to be.

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