What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#60539 by Mark Bell
Wed Jun 05, 2013 4:06 pm
....also consider adding a specific mask for smart arrows as currently they get 'left behind' on the drawing when I separate 2D info from smart objects and covered polylines.....all the slabs and color fills are polylines so I'm unable to do a general Area to quickly selset the drawing, but if the mask function has another toggle for 'Smart Arrows' or even 'smart entities' allowing growth for other 2D smart items that might be created, then it would be easier to separate these items from a drawing.
#60540 by Mark Bell
Wed Jun 05, 2013 4:08 pm
Hello Mark,

I'm impressed! - this is useful information and it's good to know DataCAD can already do this. I'll look into the programs you've listed. Thanks :)
#60541 by Mark Bell
Wed Jun 05, 2013 4:37 pm
I'm not sure how many DataCADer's are using the smart parametric features on a regular basis and I'd like to believe it's not just me that has issues with doors/windows/openings coming 'loose' from walls they have been inserted into. The change in alignment of a wall can be so small that I need to adjust my decimal place accuracy to see the 0.0004 degree change that causes windows or doors to not cut the wall they have been inserted into.

My wishlist on the smart parametrics: fix the issue so that these objects graduate to the next class with some higher intelligence so they 'know' and 'behave' with more 'smartness' when being inserted into walls -

1. Include a miss-distance type attribute (gravity factor?) where a smart door/window/opening will gravitate to the nearest wall it is being placed into ensuring it actually goes into and cuts the wall rather than remaining inside the wall with no cutout,

2. Once a smart door(s)/window(s)/opening(s) has been inserted into a wall, then an hierarchy is created where the wall assumes all smart entities inserted into it, are part of it, so when using Move (or other commands) a user can select a wall (or any part of it, including a door/window etc.), using Entity, Group etc. and the wall and ALL smart entities inserted into it, are selected. Presently, only the wall moves leaving everything else behind. There could be a condition on this, say, if selecting a wall with doors/windows cut into it, then ALL entities are selected, and if selecting a door or window that has been inserted into a wall, then only that door or window is selected?

3. Having all smart doors/windows etc. that have been cut into a wall, 'lock/attach' themselves with that wall, will reduce the repeated instances of doors/windows being left behind, becoming 'loosened' and showing inside a wall rather than cut into a wall etc.

4. When a door/window is inserted into a wall, then the walls parameters of z-b/z-h should take precedence and force the door/windows to move up/down to insert at the walls z-b (or other user preset preference) so the door/window sits inside the wall and not half in/out, ie. the objects show some smartness in knowing one must fit inside the other. Individual items can be adjusted using ctrl-right click to edit,

5. Having all the doors/windows etc. 'lock' into a wall so that any movement of the wall will automatically have all smart objects move with it. I still believe there's some rounding issue in the accuracy between your US feet/inches and our metric as I can draw a horizontal/vertical line with ortho on or by user input and over the course of a day/week that line will start to show 'creep' and have a slight zig-zag appearance. Changing the DP shows it has a very slight change in angle! I think this causes the doors/windows to uncut themselves from the wall cutouts. If the doors/windows were 'locked' into the walls then they would move as the wall moves and should always remain cut in the wall,

6. Add a trim-to-surface feature so walls can be cut upto/down to a horizontal or inclined plane :-)
#60568 by Roger D
Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:21 am
When I identify a hatch is show "factor", but when defining the hatch it is "scale".
I know the difference (not), but a new user might be confused.
#60607 by Roger D
Mon Jun 10, 2013 11:25 am
Here's my command alias to do multiple symbols

comment=Change Symbol Attribute
#60609 by Neil Blanchard
Mon Jun 10, 2013 11:31 am
Hi Roger,

Does that let you change the text attributes on one symbol and then another and then another by clicking on them?

Here's my keyboard shortcut (using Alt-H):

Code: Select allH^170#^$^;^F0^S8^S2^F1^$^

It works, but for Text Attributes, I have to point the cursor at each symbol and hit Alt-H each time.
#60611 by Roger D
Mon Jun 10, 2013 12:04 pm
I use yours for when picking only a single item.

the one I sent will let you go from symbol to symbol editting the attribute on the way.
#60619 by Roger D
Mon Jun 10, 2013 2:47 pm
The keyboard macro first looks for a symbol attribute, and then defaults back to the text menu.
I haven't figured out how to do both at once, so then I added my sa alias, that will look continuously for only attributes.
#60628 by Mark Bell
Mon Jun 10, 2013 9:00 pm
Smart Arrows

Add the option to flip the arrow head on a leader. In some instances, like dogleg stair returns, mirroring the arrow won't work and it needs to be redrawn. Having the ability to flip the start point and end point/arrow head would allow this change without having to redraw the leader.
#60652 by Neil Blanchard
Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:35 am
In the Move/To Layer menu, the front menu has New Layer at the S6 position, while all the menus has the Scroll Back at the S6 position. Several of us here in the office have been unintentionally creating new layers.

There is probably no easy solution to this, but it would be nice to avoid adding new layers when you never intended to...
#60658 by jimgoodman
Wed Jun 12, 2013 10:50 am
Neil Blanchard wrote:When we Right-Click on a symbol in the Symbol Browser and then in the Symbol Editor do a Save As - it should default to the same folder shown in the SB. Please?

Add my enthusiastic support for this one :D
#60661 by Bruce111
Wed Jun 12, 2013 10:56 am
A way to have a stamp note what polt sheet it is on automatically? Therefor if I move a msp from one sheet to the next it recognises what sheet it is on.

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