What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#53968 by rgleason
Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:21 pm
I do not seem to be able to find any references to setting the models true north. Why? This is one of the most basic parameters needed for the Sun Shader. There have been assumptions made about how we use Datacad that may not be correct. For example, normally I draw such that the dominant orthogonal structures of the building match the screen view, and True North may be towards the top of the screen, however very frequently does not match the screen view. I would like to be able to set True North as we are able to do with Sketchup for example.

Right now in plan view I have a model with true north being about 7 degrees west of screen orientation, north being towards the top of the screen but slightly clockwise by 7 degrees. When I go into the Sun Shader however, the sun path appears to be completely off and running with sunrise from the south to sunset to the north! This is bizarre, I would think it might be just 7 degrees off, why almost 90 degrees?

I have checked and set a new location in Illinois,
Latitude: 42° 16' 53.256"
Longitude: -90° 20' 33.7452" (now I did not put in the minus because that was taken care of by the west radio button.
and Utc time -6 for Illinois.

I have tried setting perspective, thinking incorrectly that that would solve the problem somehow.
Does anyone have any ideas about how to fix this?
Otherwise this looks like a great tool and I am hopeful I will be able to use it.
#53970 by Nick Pyner
Tue Aug 09, 2011 6:46 pm
Go to the shadows tab in the same dialogue as the location.

You will see in the box second from bottom "North"

Clear the "Use DataCad's north" box, and enter your own north. The compass and suns move as verification.
#53974 by rgleason
Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:23 pm
Dear Nick,

You guys for being upside down have your heads screwed on the right way!
Thanks! Works fine now. (It takes me awhile with black boxes.) Nothing in the manual or forums matched my searches.

Set Orientation of the Solar Shading Model to True North:
From Menus:
View / Sun Shader
File / Sun Shader Options
Tab is "Location" pick Tab "Shadows"
Find "North" , second from bottom.
Turn off "Use Datacad's North"
Enter your model's North angle
(for this model I needed 353 because north was clockwise towards east and the application will not accept negative numbers like -7)

Thanks Nick, you're always right on the button!


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