What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#4461 by Steve Scott
Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:38 pm
I wish for a fix to the tiny little bugs and minor annoyances
that we've all had to put up with for all these years. Bugs
that won't cause somebody to switch software, but that cause
headaches along the way. You know, like Jimmy Stewart's
loose newel post knob in "It's A Wonderful Life" that comes
off every time he uses the stairs.

Bugs like the one when a dimension is drawn with dim
points on opposite sides of the dim line that causes the
offset gap to occur at the dim line instead of the dim
point, with the extension line shooting past the dim point
by the distance of the offset. This causes dimensions to
look really stupid. A fix to this bug alone would save many
hours of anguish. Or like the incorrect mirroring of rotated
dimensions. Or like the 36 point limit for fences in certain
operations. Etc. Thanks for listening.
#4463 by joshhuggins
Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:46 pm
Both wishes are good ones, and your right these buggies should have been squished long ago.
#4465 by Heinrich
Wed Jul 20, 2005 2:09 pm
.......or the 8 point limit on Bezier lines.
.......or the way the undo command changes your line color and/or layer if you changed them before or during a command.

This list might be fairly long before this thread dies. :wink:


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