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Texture Direction in o2c

PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 9:29 am
by Miguel Palaoro

As long as we can set the Texture 'Origin', which helps a lot to fix broken surfaces when textured, my wish would be to increase this feature, allowing the user to determine the Texture 'Direction' when necessary.

Here you can view a situation where this could allow an interesting solution. I have a bitmap for a certain wood texture, created with wood fibers in 'horizontal' direction. From that, I've copied and rotated 90° to have another (ortogonal) to the first, in 'vertical' direction.
But, I can't determine a random angle for the rafters which are not in one of this directions, and wouldn't be absolutely handy to create a bitmap for every possible slope.
It would actually be very handy if could define any direction for all the pieces.

