What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#69624 by joshhuggins
Fri Aug 12, 2016 3:31 pm
I am getting ready to update our base files, symbols etc. for the 2016 California Building Code and I wanted to review the revision history for Datacad back to the last couple major version releases to see if there are any features that I may not have implemented yet, or not using to their full potential that I might want to pull the trigger on now and wow! So many wishes have been grated over the last few years. Just wanted to say thanks and how nice it is to be able to have our little ideas make it to the big screen! Here are some of my favs going back to about v16 and there were tons brought to life that were other users wishes as well that I saw cruising thru the forum. What's some of your favorite goodies recently added? THANKS!

:idea: Support for more than two toolbars on screen. Would be really nice if there was no limit.
:idea: A Distance /2 option in the Offset menu like there is in the Move & copy menus. Use that a lot.
:idea: When preforming a close all, it would be nice it Datacad would close all symbols first. If you have a drawing opened, and had opened several symbols up to edit from that drawing then use File, Close All, Then Save Yes To All, if the window order is such that the drawing gets closed first your stuck holding symbols asking for a save as. If all symbols could be closed first it would avoid this problem. Couldn't we double check first if we have any symbols open before we close? Sure but I'm lazy. :D
:idea: Would be nice if we could double click on a symbol from Windows Explorer and have them open in the symbol editor.
:idea: I want more. You want more. Everyone wants more. Icon III & Icon IV for President! :mrgreen:
:idea: If we could we get an option to remove the Scroll back/forward buttons all together so we could get +2 more items in the menu for the list instead of the buttons? I never use the buttons any more. I know it doesn't sound like much but being able to scroll thru large list of GTV's, layers or hatch, etc. just a little bit quicker with each subsequent menu scroll adds up fast.
:idea: Could the Xclip, New Cube cursor disable the crosshairs like the other boxing/area options in the program. When used with Large crosshairs the to coinciding crosshair lines disappear.
:idea: New ellipse creation options! Radius, Dia, Approx
:idea: When offsetting, if we accidentally pick something other than what we indicated to pick, we have to right click out to cancel that operation on the incorrect entity. When we do this, Offset reverts back to inputting the distance to be offset. It should just revert back to asking us to select an object to offset. Odds are if we made it as far as picking an entity to offset, we want to offset something, and canceling that selection should indicate we just miss picked.
:idea: ....Would be really nice if the new Coincident Entity Selection logic could be applied here too.
:idea: Bring dcadwin.ini settings to more user friendly interface (delivered big time!)
:idea: Plot Scale drop down in the status bar
:idea: multiple extended character codes added thru out program
:idea: Tools to flatten 2d entities with improper Z values
:idea: 3D menus closer match their 2D counterparts
:idea: Coincident Entity Selection added thru out
:idea: Persistent Layer Manager toggle
:idea: Color Menu Goes Directly To Color Palette Dialog
:idea: Edit Symbol Fields Dialog
Also got to see how bad my online grammar is when in a hurry. :oops:

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