What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#74262 by Mark Bell
Wed Jul 04, 2018 6:45 pm
Smart walls are a great concept but can become limiting when real-world products and construction types are implemented. Increasing the number of lines available in the Wall Properties would improve smart wall creation.
Is it possible to increase the number of lines from 4 to say 8?
#74263 by Roger D
Wed Jul 04, 2018 7:27 pm
We've asked that before and was informed the complexity of interesections grow exponentional with each new line.
I have found having 2 walls to be adequate for my needs. i.e. Wall framing with 4 lines, brick with 2 more llnes.
#74265 by Mark Bell
Thu Jul 05, 2018 5:55 am
Hi Roger,
We do quite a bit of commercial and multi-res and often end up with a lot of wall types where more than 4 lines would help clarify them on drawings. Anyway, fingers crossed we might get at least 5 lines at some point in the future - every extra line helps.

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