What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#77556 by joshhuggins
Wed Feb 05, 2020 3:56 pm
Bumping an old wish that I don't think ever was brought to fruition. Could we get an option so Lock Scaled entities only changes when the plot scale changes when GTV's are changed? Really, really could use this now with Symbol Layer Control with GTV links.

A use case for this would be say we have a GTV setup with a remembered plot scale of 1/4" and so when we switch to the GTV, the plot scale is set to 1/4" and all of the symbols that have lock scale enabled, properly scale themselves to what they should be at 1/4". But say we need to now do an enlarged print out of a section of that GTV say at 1". We don't want the Lock scaled entities to now scale themselves to 1", we want them to stay at their desired 1/4". We just need to be able to get a larger, "zoomed in" print out, using the same 1/4" scale settings. GTV's remembered plot scales would drive the deciding of the lock scale factor symbols use, not the current print scale. Does that make sense?

Ahhh, found the link to the original wish thread. :arrow: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=14612&p=65143&hilit=lock+scale+GTV#p65143
I wonder how deep those nether regions of Dave's desk really go? :lol:
#77650 by joshhuggins
Wed Feb 26, 2020 8:03 pm
You know how we can right click on an xref in the Reference Manager and Copy/Paste Highlight Settings? Would be really nice if we could do the same thing but for the layers that are on/off!

Just sayin' I think it would be kwel.
#78268 by joshhuggins
Wed Jun 24, 2020 11:50 am
We really need when opening a drawing, if the drawing has symbols that contain orphaned bitmaps, those bitmaps need to be listed in the main drawings Orphaned Reference Files dialog. A user may never know symbols are missing images unless they happen to edit that symbol, especially if the bitmap is contained within a nested symbol.
#78511 by joshhuggins
Wed Aug 05, 2020 6:08 pm
Support for PNG alpha channels. :D
#78617 by joshhuggins
Mon Aug 24, 2020 12:32 pm
Could we get an option in the Change, More, Scale menu for setting the Line Spacing Enlargement factor as well?

Also, should this menu name be Change, More, Enlargement instead of Scale since everywhere else in the program Enlargement is the term that is used for this property?
#78635 by joshhuggins
Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:23 pm
Would be nice if we could get a collate option in the batch plot menus since each sheet is sent as an individual print job.
#78639 by joshhuggins
Thu Aug 27, 2020 5:19 pm
Mark Bell wrote:This sounds a good idea - like automatically merging the PDF's into a single bound PDF?
Not exactly, it would be to print in the reverse order so if you are printing to a device that does not print so the printed side faces down, they will stack in the correct order.

As for printing to a single PDF, that is a great idea also. I current use PDF Xchange's PDF print driver to do this now this as it allows consecutive sheets to be appended to the end of the PDF so I get a single combined PDF, works really well.

Their print driver has tons of options. Setting up different versions of the printer device with different settings makes it easy to just print to a specific version of the device and the output options are applied based on how I have them set in the device settings of the driver.
#78640 by Mark Bell
Thu Aug 27, 2020 5:27 pm
joshhuggins wrote:
As for printing to a single PDF, that is a great idea also. I current use PDF Xchange's PDF print driver to do this now this as it allows consecutive sheets to be appended to the end of the PDF so I get a single combined PDF, works really well.

We're using the new Merge option to bind the single PDF's which allows date order or alphanumerical order - but, an improvement would be to automatically output a bound set from Batch plot. I think DataCAD's edging closer to this, may be in another version or so....
#78642 by Mark Bell
Thu Aug 27, 2020 9:13 pm
An odd one; the drawing was already closed just leaving the DataCAD grey screen. When the mouse was moved towards the File menu or 'X' to close, the follow error kept popping up. If the mouse was moved anywhere else on the screen, no error.

#78643 by joshhuggins
Thu Aug 27, 2020 10:53 pm
Mark Bell wrote:An odd one; the drawing was already closed just leaving the DataCAD grey screen. When the mouse was moved towards the File menu or 'X' to close, the follow error kept popping up. If the mouse was moved anywhere else on the screen, no error.
I think you might have got the forum threads mixed up on this one brother! :wink: But of course I totally wish for it to be fixed for ya. :lol:
#78644 by Mark Bell
Fri Aug 28, 2020 5:21 am
joshhuggins wrote:I think you might have got the forum threads mixed up on this one brother! :wink: But of course I totally wish for it to be fixed for ya. :lol:

ha ha Josh - you made me laugh, good ending for a Friday :D
#78681 by joshhuggins
Thu Sep 03, 2020 7:35 pm
I love the Open Symbol Layer Manager option when inserting a symbol, but could Datacad skip it if the symbol only has a single layer?
#78769 by joshhuggins
Mon Sep 14, 2020 2:34 am
Would be nice if the MText dialog had a button to paste text contents of the clipboard as plain text.
#78771 by dhs
Mon Sep 14, 2020 4:09 pm
Hi Josh,
I'm not really a big user of DataCAD, but I have all too often found myself pasting formatted text into a notepad window simply so I could copy it from there to paste elsewhere without formatting.
So, your suggestion makes a lot of sense to me and I think that it should be fairly simple for DataCAD to implement. But you post got me thinking that it would be pretty easy to write a program (or macro) to simply convert formatted text in the clipboard to unformatted. It took me just a few minutes to write such a program (attached), but then I got to thinking that if it was so easy then probably it had already been done countless times before (and probably with some niceties that I hadn't included)....
I did a quick search for such programs and found Pure Text Utility that removes all text formatting from your clipboard and optionally pastes the resulting unformatted text to the active window with a single hotkey. I haven't tried it out, but it looks like it would be well worth investigating.
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