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DataCAD Window Position & Size

PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2022 12:34 pm
by Joseph Baron
First off we know that Windows has issues with some of its own programs not remembering window size & position. Some do, some don't. I wish that there was continuity on how all 'windows' work in Windows.

1. Have DataCAD REMEMBER window Position & Size when closed so that it opens in the same position.
2. Have DataCAD display in the 'selectable' icon area when using Windows Snap. For example if I have 5 windows open including DataCAD, and I drag a window across one of my monitors and snap it to 1/2 screen, only 3 other 'icons' appear to 'select' for the other 1/2 screen. The DataCAD 'icon' does not appear.
3. When I drag & snap the DataCAD window to half screen, no other window icons appear for selection to use on the other half.

WIth bigger and especially wider (Ultrawides anyone?) monitors and monitor 'stacks' a lot of the time I'm working in DataCAD in '1/2 screen mode' which is why I'm hoping for these fixes.

EDITED: Sep 30