What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#81726 by joshhuggins
Tue Nov 08, 2022 9:19 pm
brace yourselves 08112022181516.jpg

Figure I should start this new round of my wishlist off right! Wish #1 is for continued success for Datacad's team! Making it thru the last couple of years for anyone would be a hard road to travel. Datacad has kept on truckin' while taking care of us Dcaders, and for that I am grateful!

Can find my previous Wishlist from v21 here. :D
Last edited by joshhuggins on Fri Sep 01, 2023 11:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
#81728 by joshhuggins
Wed Nov 09, 2022 2:12 pm
Neil Blanchard wrote:Wait! Is V23 out? Or coming soon?
No it's not out yet, sorry to get your hopes up. This is just going to be my update on ideas I have had that I have been jotting down since the v21-22 time frame. I don't have any info on v23 itself, sorry. :oops:
#82447 by joshhuggins
Sun Sep 03, 2023 2:11 am
And here comes the wishes! :mrgreen:

:idea: Not sure if this is a bug or should be a wish, but, a locked symbol attribute should be displayed in the symbol when the symbol is inserted unexploded, unless invisible is checked.

:idea: - Add ability so if a symbol attribute database is missing from the Database folder, have Datacad looked for the missing database in the drawings current folder before prompting on a missing database. This would allow us to create a single project database to store info about the job/drawing and populate a whole bunch of job specific info across the drawing(s).

:idea: - If a file is read only, that it would say [Read-only] at the top of the Datacad window after the file path.

:idea: - Entities with hyperlinks highlight in the drawing when moused over

:idea: - Allow 2D wall styles with longer names

:idea: - Change M/PText margins by EGAFM

:idea: - When creating a Rectangular Polyline, allow a modifier key like Alt, Shift or Ctrl to change to drawing a square polyline.

:idea: - Option to set color of application window so we can set our own dark mode easily.

:idea: - Polyline Rectangular grids:
Type 1: Preset X & Y divisions at creation time, when the grid is stretched, the grid spacing is stretched equally.
Type 2: Preset X & Y distances so as the grid is stretched, additional lines / sections are added to the grid. Would be useful for creating schedules that can easily grow dynamically when stretched. This type could have a toggle for end correction to extend the lines when in between the set distances or only draw the additional sections when stretched far enough.

:idea: - Symbol layer manager shows layers in layer / nested symbol hierarchy

:idea: - Symbol Browser mode for 'Drawing Only' that shows only symbols that are only in the drawings database, and do not have a counterpart on the hard drive.

:idea: - Add a bitmaps tab in the reference manager or a separate bitmap manager so we can re-path batches of bitmaps to a new folder.

:idea: - What about adding codes and/or a toggle, maybe an addition to the SWOTHLUDFBK, so that new entities that are created are added to the back/beginning of the layer order when created? So when creating entities, especially fills, hatches or symbols with those they are automatically created "in the back" of the layer order. Would be extra helpful for fills and hatch.

:idea: - Favorite Drawings/ Folders list like symbol browser for the File menu.

:idea: - Symbols remember the layers that are turned off when saved, so when inserting they insert with that saved layer state. It seems to work if you have a nested symbol, it will remember it's own layer on/off states when the parent is inserted exploded.

:idea: - INI option so when using Set All for Enlargement, that it would also set Line Factor.

:idea: - Allow DPS files to have blank Last Pen Table= so we can load printer settings without changing pen table, similar to how Last Plot Scale= is ignored when blank value. Maybe all the values should support empty values being ignored?

:idea: - When inserting a symbol using Dynamic rotation, allow menu options F5 thru S9 remain in the menu to be toggleable until the last click of setting the symbol rotation is picked so we can change a toggle if we need to, without having to back out and reselect the symbol again to re-insert.

:idea: - - Symbol attributes should support multiple lookup fields from the same database. Right now filled by attribs get overrode anytime any lookup is done.

                -- #attrib1-field2filled
                -- #atrrib2-field1filled
                -- #atrrib2-field2filled

:idea: - Allow Symbol Attribute database selector dialog window show both CSV & TXT files at the same time or allow TXT to be the default.

:idea: - Currently if the folder the symbol browser is displaying gets removed from the system, and the user goes to open a new folder it dumps the user at the systems root folder/locations. Could Datacad try to go to the symbol base path instead first?

:idea: - In the Symbol Layer Manager, allow us to set a layer to be used for the display in the Symbol Browser. Would allow similar function like the old templates so the display could be descriptive instead of the line work, or we could use a hidden line removal result. Could be a standard layer name that gets used, if that layer name exists, that layer only is displayed in the SB.

:idea: - Symbol Browser tooltip popups would not spill off onto second monitor, but justify to edge of current monitor.

:idea: - It would be nice to be able to sort the Orphaned Reference Files list by custom name, file name or file path. I would also like to be able to keep the option to sort by layer order as it is now, so maybe a toggle button or radial check buttons to switch between sort options? Other sort options?

:idea: - Smart Windows, 2D Options: Glass Thickness (2 lines for glass). Option to remove vertical sash lines.

:idea: -Datacad needs to release the folder DWGs are exported to after the export is done. Shouldn't have to close Datacad to move or rename a folder.

:idea: - It's nice that Datacad auto finds self/xrefs in the same directory, but I would still like to be notified if an xref path is missing so I can fix it or path it correctly.

:idea: - Option when creating layer sets, to pick specific GTVs, not just all of them.

:idea: - Would be nice if when renaming layers in the layer manager if it could return your selection to the layer you are on instead of returning back to the top of the layer list. Makes renaming groups of layers tedious.

:idea: - Support symbol field names longer than 12 characters

:idea: - In Ref Manager, add Ctrl+Right click Select all same drawing to select all of the xrefs that are pathed to that same drawing.

:idea: - Option to move xclips with xrefs.

:idea: - For Fillets and Chamfers, could we get where if Clip is turned on it would expose 2 new buttons, Line 1 and Line 2, and if for example Line 1 is turned off and Line 2 is turned on, then line 1 will not be clipped, but line 2 will be. Would be very handy for adding branches to existing line systems without breaking the main 'trunk line'. Should probably have some ini options to set the default states, Last, On, Off.

:idea: - Can we get an option so when symbol scale is turned on it's line factor is not multiplied by the enlargement factor set when Symbol scale is turned off? The XYZ factors are not multiplied into the symbol scale and neither should the line factor. It should be based off the symbols definition. I can't think of a use case for this?

:idea: - mtext support for indented lists

:idea: - MText search / find text

:idea: - MText dialog: search and replace text

:idea: - Could the Purge Drawing dialog allow us to select the GTVs so they will be created in the new drawing but also allow us to deselect a layer that a GTV uses? So we don't have to rebuild a whole GTV if we need to only purge out a single layer.

:idea: - When mirroring an xref, have option to mirror xclip. would be huge time saver for complex clips.

:idea: - Could the Purge Drawing dialog display the layer entity count so if a layer is empty, it could be purged incase it might be a troubled layer.

:idea: - When Clipcube Display is turned on, could xclips be shown in the color that is set for the xref? When you have a bunch of intersecting xclips and need to make edits, it makes it hard to tell what's what when everything is the same grey color.

:idea: - A resizable import DWG dialog might be nice so you can see more listed items or see more of long named linetypes / fonts so make it easier to match up for assignments. Also the list auto scrolls several lines if you click a items towards the bottom of the list.

:idea: - Would be handy if the audit file listed out the file path and name in addition to the version and date/time info so we could track things down a bit better if we have to rebuild a file which may have changed files names along the way. I imagine this would need to be addressed by adding the info saved in the drawings info.

:idea: - Can the Purge Dialog remember the resized panes between Go To Views, MSP Sheets, and Multi-View Windows?

:idea: - When you have a xref selected in the ref manager, and you resize the dialog to see more, the selected xref becomes unhighlighted and you have to hit apply to have it show you again what xref is selected. Would be nice if it would remember what was previously selected.

:idea: - Xclip / Clipcube display per drawing, not global.

:idea: - Have symbol folders loaded from toolbars added to recent list in symbol browser.

:idea: - Add Show Hatch / Fill check boxes to Ref manager (not just for smart walls hatch)

:idea: - Don't remove TTF's when uninstalling Datacad versions. If users upgrade to a new version leaving the existing version installed, if they later in the future uninstall the old version, it takes the Datacad provided TTF's with it, most of which are the SHX counterparts which are needed for SHX support in things like MText dialogs.

:idea: - Remove the notice that there is no printer selected. It really doesn't do anything specific since, it still loads up a default anyway. This way we can use saved printer settings without being halted on new files or in symbol editor.

:idea: - AEC Thumbnails saved internally in the AEC file.

:idea: - Diameter readout when IDing a circle/arc.

:idea: - Smart arrows, when 1st Ortho is on, the 2nd and following segments should honor the drawings current Ortho settings, not force Ortho off.

:idea: - Option for Open Symbol Layer Manager at insertion time per folder, like symbol scale per folder

:idea: - "symbol states" loads preset layers on/off.
- flag to have set symbol insert options like Open SLM,

:idea: - Could we get an option so when we Explode Symbols with Conv Attributes turned on, if an attribute is empty it doesn't put the symbol attribute name in it's place? This can cause issues inserting unexpected or garbage text which can cause issues sending exploded files for others to use in their construction docs.

:idea: - Symbol Views, recallable Layer on/off states for symbols.

:idea: - In Linetype Manager, add replace option to replace an embedded linetype with another linetype, so any entity in the drawing and optionally inserted symbols, gets replaced with the selected linetype.

:idea: - Copy and paste Xclips / clips to other xrefs/symbols

:idea: - Alt+Numbers codeable Ex. Alt+1 to 1 Line Trim

:idea: - Old wish here, when typing simple text with an alignment like Center, Middle, the text is drawn as Left, Bottom, until the text line is finished.

:idea: - When looking at a polyline properties dialog for a polyline with hatch and fill, should there be 2 show outline options shown?

:idea: - A find and replace for layer name renaming.

:idea: - When tabbing in the Symbol Attribute dialog, if a drop down gets activated, it jumps to All Caps option at the bottom of the dialog instead of next attribute field.

:idea: - When exporting DWG's it should copy any referenced bitmaps to the output location
#82464 by Mark F. Madura
Thu Sep 07, 2023 4:02 pm
joshhuggins wrote: :idea: - A resizable import DWG dialog might be nice so you can see more listed items or see more of long named linetypes / fonts so make it easier to match up for assignments. Also the list auto scrolls several lines if you click a items towards the bottom of the list.

Done for the next BETA build.
#82467 by joshhuggins
Fri Sep 08, 2023 5:14 pm
I know I have a symbol somewhere for this. . . I don't know where it is stored though. I wish I could search from the Symbol Browser for it. :D

How about if the top left browser location selector if there was an option under Template & Drawing for Search? Then we could select a top level folder and then type in a search term and click a Search button and Datacad could populate the symbol browser with results from the search. Could have check box options for including results from symbols stored in folder names that contain the search term as well. If you wanted to get real crazy could have a check box that could include symbols that contain text with the search term, but that might be a bit much maybe?
#82710 by joshhuggins
Thu Jan 11, 2024 5:39 pm
I don't know if this one would be possible within the symbol insert routine, but it would very handy to be able to toggle Fix Text & Lock Angle after you have picked the position to insert a symbol on the drawing but have not yet clicked to set the symbols orientation. When filling a plan view with 100's of symbols like on an electrical or lighting plan where different symbols constantly need to have these toggled ON/OFF, these options available at the rotation point in the process would help a lot, especially when the symbol's position in the drawing has been set with a complex set of using a temp reference point, with and offset & perpendicular snapping. Having to back out to toggle these options and then recreate a complex reference point (especially when the math was done in my dumb head on the fly the first time) can be a real slow down. :lol:
#82806 by joshhuggins
Wed Feb 21, 2024 12:27 pm
In the Font dialog, when you drop down the Font List, if we have TTFs shown, it conveniently shows a TTF indicator in the drop down list which is super handy.

Often though when I am trying to find a font to match an existing font, I will set some custom text in the Preview, click inside the Font List drop down (not clicking the drop down button to drop the list down) and then use the arrow up/down keys to cycle thru the fonts so I can quickly compare to an existing source like a PDF in another window. It would be helpful if an TTF indicator was available without the list dropped down while scrolling thru the font list via arrow keys. I don't know if the same indicator that the drop down shows when opened could be shown in the Font List drop down without being dropped or if another icon indicator could be added to the Font dialog.
#82831 by joshhuggins
Tue Mar 05, 2024 1:14 pm
I would love options for Favorite Files / Favorite Folders above the Recent Files / Folders in the File Menu like we have in the Symbol Browser. I currently have a dropdown toolbar button set at the front of my main toolbar with my favorite files and folders set as buttons within, but the issue is I can't use them if I don't have any drawings open.
#82843 by joshhuggins
Fri Mar 15, 2024 4:08 pm
Would be nice if the Symbols Browser could use the same logic that Windows File Explorer does now where it can recognize 2,3,4, etc digit numbers in the beginning of file names to keep things in numerical order.

Where File Explorer orders
4x8 Section
4x8x16 Top
6x8 Section
6x8x16 Top
8x8 Section
8x8x16 Top
10x8 Section
10x8x16 Top
50x8 Section
100x8 Section

The Symbol Browser Orders
100x8 Section
10x8 Section
10x8x16 Top
4x8 Section
4x8x16 Top
50x8 Section
6x8 Section
6x8x16 Top
8x8 Section
8x8x16 Top
#82874 by joshhuggins
Thu Mar 28, 2024 12:54 am
Could we get an ini option to bypass the Printer Not Selected dialog so it just goes to the Printer Settings dialog if no Printer has been setup? Would save a lot of clicks over one's lifeftime. :lol:

Or even better yet, just get rid of it entirely as the Attention bar message of 'Checking output device availability, please wait ' pretty much takes care of it, or could be tweaked to fully relay the message. If a new user goes into the Printer settings for their first time without even knowing a thing about Datacad, I think it's pretty expected for anyone to see a Printer Selection / Setup dialog, and set what they need to and click OK to proceed. Just seems like a bit of a unneeded speed bump even for new users and a very common speed bump for those who travel up and down this road all day, everyday. :wink:
2024-03-27_223943.png (5.93 KiB) Viewed 1275 times
#82875 by MtnArch
Thu Mar 28, 2024 9:08 am
I like this wish!!! Please, please, please!!
#82892 by Mark F. Madura
Fri Apr 05, 2024 4:21 pm
[quote="joshhuggins"]Could we get an ini option to bypass the Printer Not Selected dialog so it just goes to the Printer Settings dialog if no Printer has been setup? Would save a lot of clicks over one's lifeftime. :lol:

Done for the next build of DataCAD 23.
#82893 by Mark F. Madura
Fri Apr 05, 2024 4:22 pm
joshhuggins wrote:Would be nice if the Symbols Browser could use the same logic that Windows File Explorer does now where it can recognize 2,3,4, etc digit numbers in the beginning of file names to keep things in numerical order.

'Natural Sorting' done for the next build of DataCAD 23.
#82894 by Mark F. Madura
Fri Apr 05, 2024 4:23 pm
joshhuggins wrote:I don't know if the same indicator that the drop down shows when opened could be shown in the Font List drop down without being dropped or if another icon indicator could be added to the Font dialog.

Done for the next build of DataCAD 23.

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