What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#8162 by Arthur Emmanuel
Tue Dec 06, 2005 9:05 am
I would like that the cursor assumed a form in accordance with the selection method, if entity, if group, if area and if fence at the moment. It would be a visual idea, that would prevent confusion between the selections. For example, the selection for area would have a small rectangle in the center of the cursor, fence, small fence in the center of the cursor.
#8169 by curtschultz
Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:56 pm
I agree, perhaps a sound (tone/beep), voice option that could be set to come on and state "group". It could even say "Stretch - by Group". I really like the line of thinking.....
I like the idea that I can take action without having to scan the screen so much. Maybe the length & direction too.
#8177 by joshhuggins
Tue Dec 06, 2005 5:40 pm
Maybe get the lady from Overstock.com to do the voice over :roll: I don't think I could take Datacad talking back to me. Or for Dave G.'s sake. "Good morning Dave, are you ready to work on parametrics today Dave?"

#8184 by WizArtist
Tue Dec 06, 2005 8:59 pm
"My God...It's full of PUPPETS" (As Sprach Zarathustra plays in the background)
#8230 by Miguel Palaoro
Wed Dec 07, 2005 4:38 pm
Arthur Emmanuel wrote:I would like that the cursor assumed a form in accordance with the selection method, if entity, if group, if area and if fence at the moment.

In a first sight, looks to be a good idea. My fear is about to make 'heavier' the cursor indicator. I like it as clean as it is now.
Personaly I use it on short (+) dimension. It's apparently lighter.

But, the value of your suggestion is when happen, for me many times did it, where it would be interesting to be warned against mischoice on the selection method. A lot of waste on time could be saved.

#8249 by Paul Nida
Wed Dec 07, 2005 8:28 pm
I realize that every one works differently, but I don't care too much for this idea. So if it is implemented it needs to be able to be swithced off. This just appears to add clutter to the cursor and if we are going to have flyouts show showing snap points that is enough in my opinion. I don't even like using the aperture, because I find it annoying. Also, if I am not sure whether I am using group or area, all I have to do is look at the menu and it tells me. I don't need the redundency of clutter on my cursor.
#8258 by Arthur Emmanuel
Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:28 am
What some can consider redundency, I consider comfortable, ergonomics and friendly interface, that are elements valued in softwares. And time is money, the cursor with election appearance would save time and money.

It is clearly that the user could have the option to activate this resource at the moment or not to draw. As for example, I never used grid and find good for not activating it, but I find important to exist because other users need.
#8260 by Arthur Emmanuel
Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:28 am
Do You already turns somebody to complain that in the o o2c the dumb cursor of appearance to turn or to walk? Not, because it is easy, simple and more intelligent.
#8266 by joshhuggins
Thu Dec 08, 2005 9:48 am
Arthur Emmanuel wrote:Do You already turns somebody to complain that in the o o2c the dumb cursor of appearance to turn or to walk? Not, because it is easy, simple and more intelligent.

In O2C we don't need a precise cursor so the icons are just notification of the current method of control, and the cursor doesn't do buch else. It could be just as simple to have a toolbar/tearoff that snows the current snap location. I would prefer this myself vs. a callout on the cursor myself. I liked that autocad told you where you were snapping but hated it because it was always in the way. Because if I'm in a tight spot where I need the notification because there is a lot of intersecting lines, the little colored indicator would cover other snapping points up. Best thing I can think of would be to add it to the cords/hints bar with some simple code like "Mid" "End" "Int". But some people like to focus on one part of the screen and thats usually their mouse, so it's probably best to have an optional visual there too. Just food for thought.
#8270 by Paul Nida
Thu Dec 08, 2005 9:57 am
Like I said, I know everybody works differently. It seems silly to me, but if you like it that is your business. I just want it so that it is switchable if it is implemented at all. Frankly I would rather the programmers spend their time on more useful additions to the program. BUT THAT IS JUST MY OPINION. As Josh said, in o2c I am not picking anything or drawing anything, so I don't really care what the cursor looks like. And as I said earlier, in DCAD all I have to do is glance at the menu to see what I am picking, I don't need crap on my cursor.
#8272 by Arthur Emmanuel
Thu Dec 08, 2005 10:40 am
In all the case, I go to leave the suggestion:

Cursor for entity - form standard

Cursor for group - form standard with circle in the center

Cursor for area - form standard with rectangle in the center

Cursor for fence - form standard with lozangle in the center

The color of detail of the symbol would need to be modified by the user to harmonize itself with background.

Different of the points of precision of the AutoCAD that seem a lights party, it symbol is more fixed, only modifies with the change of the selection method.
#8276 by Arthur Emmanuel
Thu Dec 08, 2005 11:04 am
Still I consider a bar of icons with the 4 symbols to improve the use to alternate between the options. Something more original for the DataCAD would be, to even be able to divulge better tools of selection that others softwares CAD.
Last edited by Arthur Emmanuel on Fri Dec 09, 2005 5:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
#8279 by curtschultz
Thu Dec 08, 2005 11:17 am
The cursor could take on line types to indicate line types or Entity, Group etc.
#8282 by Tony Blasio
Thu Dec 08, 2005 11:25 am
I don't see why DataCAD's selections can't be more automated. If you click on an entity you want entity, if you click in open space you are going to do an area selection (clicking F1 after your area box starts dragging still gives you crossing). If you Ctrl+click on an entity you want group. If you Ctrl+click in open space you want a fence area.

I would prefer something like this over cursor tags. Actually I prefer what we have over cursor tags. I am so used to hitting F1 for entity that I do it even when it is already toggled. It is ingrained at this point. I remember my ACAD days an the selections were pretty automatic. This was my hardest part to get used to, but now it is normal.

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