What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#8589 by curtschultz
Thu Dec 15, 2005 11:42 pm
I don't know how to explain this well, I will try with a problem I often have.
I draw a portion of my project and find I made a mistake several steps back. I must either redraw the portion where my mistake was, or press undo until I get to the mistake and then redraw the correct areas I have had to undo.

Can we undo to a point, step out of undo to keep something and then have a redo button turn the wanted portions?
#8593 by Neil Blanchard
Fri Dec 16, 2005 6:31 am
Greetings Curt,

This has been asked before, and the short answer is probably no. The reason is that there is too many problems that could arise with things that overlap with the step that you want to undo. In other words, some of the lines that you want to remove have affected the lines that are part of what you want to keep.

Here's a method that might get you what you want:

Use Control-E to Copy everything that you drafted after the change -- that you want to keep, to the Windows clipboard. If you are careful, this is all you need to do, but for safe keeping, you could start a new blank drawing and Paste all these into it, using Absolute Zero.

Then Control-Z to Undo all the way back to before the change you want to get rid of.

Then use Control-V to Paste everything that you have saved back into the drawing, using Absolute Zero as the insertion point. If need be, you can retrieve this again from the new drawing where you pasted it to prevent losing it from the Windows clipboard.


You could also turn on Sessions, if you have not already, and whenever you suspect that you might need to go back -- save and close the file, and the newest session file will save a version of the file before you go and do something "experimental"! :wink:

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