What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#11937 by deliriousga
Thu Jun 01, 2006 11:31 am
When you insert a bitmap, it would be nice to be able to just grab the file and click once to insert it in its' original size rather than have to scale it every time. We use several bitmaps from the code books and we have to plot to see if the size is correct, then fix it, etc., etc.

It should be possible if you added a "dpi" selection when you insert or have a function within DCAD that can read the dpi of the inserted bitmap. That way it is to scale, quick and easy.
#11947 by joshhuggins
Thu Jun 01, 2006 12:07 pm
You could make a little symbol with the propper X&Y snap points say for a 8.5x11 page or memorize the X&Y distance. Ex: For a 8.5"x11" sheet at 1/4" it's dimensions would be 34'x44'. It's more to do with you not actually inserting the bitmap at a scale. We draw in Datacad at full scale right? So if you inserted a 8.5"x11" sheet at 1:1, it would be really small and just print a little black box at normal Arch scales. And people insert images of thing that have no relevance between the size of the image and the object that is in the image. That's the nature of pictures. They are little images of bigger things. So we have to figure each unique case out.
#11958 by Steve Baldwin
Thu Jun 01, 2006 1:36 pm
Hi John.

The way I do it is...

1. Open the bitmap in your photo-editing program.

2. Check/adjust the bitmap size to the size you want to see it on your final print, in real paper inches ... (8.5x11, for example).

3. Note that 'inches' size on a piece of scrap paper.

4. Open your cad file.

5. Off to the side, draw a temporary box, using the 'inches' size that you jotted down.

6. Insert your bitmap using that box's corners for snap points.

7. Erase the temporary box.

8. Enlarge the bitmap per your sheet's scale ... (8x12=96, for an 1/8"=1'-0" sheet, for example).

9. Move the bitmap to wherever you want it on the sheet.

This seems like a lot of steps, but really isn't, and allows you to quickly place the bitmaps on the sheet at a size that you expect to see when printed.

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