What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#12017 by Gman
Mon Jun 05, 2006 12:23 pm
You need to add more plotting scales in between the 1/20" & 1/100".
It seems everytime I do a plot plan, 1/20" is too big, & 1/40" is too small; or 1/40" is too big & 1/100 is too small. How about adding 1/30", 1/50", & 1/80", or better yet everything thats missing up to 1/100" by tenths. Then maybe a couple more between 1/100" & 1/1000"

#12022 by deliriousga
Mon Jun 05, 2006 1:35 pm
Gman wrote:You need to add more plotting scales in between the 1/20" & 1/100".
It seems everytime I do a plot plan, 1/20" is too big, & 1/40" is too small; or 1/40" is too big & 1/100 is too small. How about adding 1/30", 1/50", & 1/80", or better yet everything thats missing up to 1/100" by tenths. Then maybe a couple more between 1/100" & 1/1000"

IIRC, you can set up your own plotting scales in place of ones you don't use. I can't remember how of the top of my head, but someone in our office has done this.
#12023 by MtnArch
Mon Jun 05, 2006 2:14 pm
All you have to do is open up the DCADWIN.SCL file (with Notepad, or some other simple editor), modify the ones that you don't use to the ones that you do use, then save it with a new name (ie. I call mine Alan.scl).

You can't add more than the total lines that the original .SCL file has, and you will need to make sure that you check the scaling factor numbers that DC uses so that you get the true, correct scale.

Good luck!
#12025 by Neil Blanchard
Mon Jun 05, 2006 3:01 pm

You can edit the scales from within DataCAD: Settings/Edit Defs/Scales/Change -- you'll need to calculate the factor. 1"=20' is 1/20/12= 0.0041666666666666667, and 1"=100' is 1/100/12=0.000833333333333333.

Caveat: if you change a scale "above" one that you are already using in the file (for MSP, etc.) then you will have to re-layout the sheets -- because the scales list is order-dependent and you are limit to the number of scales that will fit on the menu. Improving on this has been a long-time Wish List item for many of us!
#12027 by Gman
Mon Jun 05, 2006 4:49 pm
WOW, Thanks for the responses. I will give it a try and hope I dont mess anything up!

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