What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#30577 by joshhuggins
Sat Dec 01, 2007 2:02 am
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Josh's Autocad Wishlist
O.K. so I think I'll start off with the wishlist as I think this will be the easiest of the three sections of my notes to go thru. These ideas usually popped in my head while trying to figure out how to do a specific task while using ADT2006. These are not just, "hey ADT does this we need that too." Most of these ideas came about by looking at the way ADT does something and then looking at how Datacad does the the same or similar task and then trying to either take the bits or pieces of ADT which might fit well into how Datacad works and suggesting an idea. Some of the ideas are not in ADT at all, and are just something I just kind of jotted down while working with ADT. Or an idea maybe just saying 'hey Autodesk really got this one right' or 'boy oh boy this is really lame now, but if tweaked would work well.' due to personal time considerations I will probably first do a rough description of each idea, and then comeback thru and add to them as needed or as discussed. Some of these ideas or wishes have been brought up before, but for the sake of trying to post an idea of the types of things I thought of while using ADT I'll post them again. This are not in any particular order of importance, mostly in the order of which ones I wanted to work on first. Thanks :D

messy notes

- offset smart wall single line only option
- preset xref highlights
- really need gradient filled polylines
- xrefs in manager show recent changes notification, like a date stamp
-xref modification notify is cool, but does work in viewports
- trim to xref line is cool but probably not possible
- can sym attributes be used for msp names somehow?
- trim defaults to a free trim type, shift extend to first, then continues on to next in succession
- pedit: straighten = pick two points, it removes all vertex point between the two selected points. great for cleaning weird imported polylines. idea is good, works bad
- would prefer a pan like web pages, and other apps so you don't have to keep repeating the command over and over to get around. where we hold down the mouse button to glide accros the screen, it's messing up my other app use.
- optional highlight entities as aperture passes over them, kind of nice it it can be fast. linetype/spacing and/or color change. would prefer dash/ with spacing option.,
- autocad alias list
- nested xref drop down in ref manager
- double click to enter msp / model from paperspace
- paste 90* rotation for inserting xrefs
- xrefs vs. symbols/blocks
- check out dh shadow opt
- default free trim, ini option?
- symbol attributes can have text styles and etc applied via tab in edit sym attrib
- tool palettes, can do now with default drawings to load smart types but would be nice to create a types pallette for smart types and symbols. kind of like a hibread template.
- nested xrefs should show in a sub drop down for layer management from ref manager, and also weather to be displayed or not. having to have enough forethought to determine if that particular xref will need to be attached for a single use or many many uses is not good. should be controlled in each unique parent xerf.
- super explode macro to explode everything down to lines.
-really need xref bind w/ clip even if with arc issues which could be manually cleaner afterwards.
- restore hidden xrefs via manager. needs some sort of highlight or something in both plan and manager, maybe grey highlight or grey text?
- stacked xrefs for multi stories use hiding to temp clean up, but allows to leave in file for future editing without having to re-insert and re align and re-orient
- freeze / thaw might be a good idea when getting closer to full smart
- picking to intersections where gaps in linetypes are works better in dc
- when editing symbol attributes, if you ctrl right click on a specific field when the edit dialog box opens that field is selected for editing.
- going forward , having the ability to save all interface settings to a user defined file and being able to quickly load it will be key as things become more complex. it's going to happen just due to the nature of working with the higher level of things to manage. selling with a user file set to emulate the basic old school datacad, intermediate and advanced user file would probably be good so you can implement new interface things into the later two versions as things progress. expand
- I like all the quick justification options in the symbol attributes, "MiddleCenter" "MiddleTop" which is handy.
- Need smart symbols with manager?, at least 2D / 3D like door manager as a start. Move towards stretchable / edit able symbols later.

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