What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#31369 by mikesmith
Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:34 pm
One of the reasons I love DataCAD over so many other software programs is the use of text on the buttons. Yes, to some it is "quaint" but it is a major reason for the ease of use of the program, and the quick learning curve. After a while all the icons begin to look alike. Why is this the only major dialog with no text on the buttons?

Another reason is that I write books and how-to's on DataCAD, and it's a LOT easier to do so with pictures that show TEXT on the buttons. Otherwise I have to keep describing "the New Layer button; the button with the yellow plus sign" instead of just saying "the New Layer button."

So please bring back the text on the buttons in the Layer Manager!

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