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#83147 by dhs
Mon Aug 19, 2024 12:09 am
If I have a number of input forms and draw new or updated entities as a result of the form input, is there a way to have just those new/updated entities drawn on the screen before the next form is displayed?
I can understand that they are not drawn if you have logic that just displays form after form without returning control to the DataCAD State Machine.
Using the state machine I can use "callNone " to do effectively nothing between displaying the forms, but this does not update the display.
I can use "callGlobalEsc" passing key parameter of 27 (the ascii code of the Esc key), and this will force a refresh of the display from the display list. That works fine when I am in simple drawings, but the complete refresh is noticeable when there are a great many entities.
What I am looking for is a call that will just cause DataCAD to process any pending ent_draws (without having to return to one of DataCAD's input routines). ... does anybody know if there is such a call?

David H.

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