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Looking for DCAL routine to find entities

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 6:29 pm
by Joseph Baron

I'm using DataCAD 10.05, and I'm looking for a DCAL routine that will find the entlin entities that are surrounding a point where you click on the screen.

Picture if you will drawn lines (entlin) that form a square, polygon, or other irregular shape. The shape is closed on all sides, and there could be up to 15 to 20 different sides.

I want to be able to 'click' inside of the drawn shape and have a DCAL routine that will return all of the line entities found in the drawn shape so I can further process the found entities in a DCAL program.

Any takers? If so please quote me a price and/or give me your email address so I can forward additional drawings/information.


PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:42 pm
by joshhuggins
Sounds like the contour search from hatch/SBF might be heading in the right direction but don't remember if that was in version 10 or not. Someone more knowledgeable than I wll have to chime in.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 4:20 pm
by Joseph Baron
In reference to the above request I've decided to work with polylines instead of just entlin entities on this particular project, and created the first modules for it today.

Is there anything available for polylines (entpln) that will order the polyverts the way that poly_fix orders pnts for polygons?

Maybe I'm missing a convert entpln to entply procedure somewhere??


PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 5:32 pm
by rod_walker
poly_fix works on pntarr so should order the vertices of the polyline. (I have not tried it yet.)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:32 pm
by Joseph Baron
That's what I thought at first glance of poly_fix, it comes down to the differences in an entpln vs entply, I haven't worked with either of these extensively in the past but what I'm looking at doing involves complete control of the entity to extensively modify and add other entities with it. entpln has unlimited polyverts whereas the entply is limited to 36. The project hinges on being able to achieve this control of the entpln.

Thanks for the response...

Hah, I just noticed we almost had the same sign up day back in 2005.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 2:47 pm
by Joseph Baron
I was able to use poly_fix afterall by first extracting the points then reloading the polyverts.

Thanks for everyones reponses.

I think I got it working the way I need it to...