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Setting symbol enlargement via toolbar/keyboard macro button

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 1:37 pm
by joshhuggins
Do you know of an and extended character or built-in function that could be added to my string that would access {symbol} enlargement and let me set it to 1.0 without a template opening?
I don't know of a direct way to set the enlargement factor, but if you have a symbol you know you can always reference, you can use the following code to act like your going to insert a symbol to get to the insert symbol menu to change the enlargement scale. This will only work if symbol scale is off. I would have bet money I saw codes to toggle symbol scale on/off but I can't seem to find it. If you find it, you can add it to the beginning of the code to make sure symbol scale is turned off.
Code: Select all"^"S:\symbol.dsf"^F4^1$^;^