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Quantities TakeOff with ArchiTip

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 10:43 am
by Jacques Lioret
Hello Miguel and other DataCAD lovers,

Your whishes are granted! :D

Connect to my web site and on top-left of the welcome page, click on the link ArchiTip in english.
Read all the pages, or download a trial version and then, the full OnLine Help manual (PDF printable).

ArchiTip is a powerful combination of professional software linked to a powerful open database for Specifications, Quantities takeoff, Estimating, and cost management of any building project. Eliminating errors, confusions, or omissions, often found in manually generated contract documents, ArchiTip automates and speeds up all operations leading to accurate specs, and quantities and cost schedules throughout the design process.

ArchiTip has been linked to DataCAD (version 9, 10, 10, 11 and LT) to allow automatic extraction of quantities in a C.A.D. project, as well as the gross and net floor areas and usable or non-usable areas.

The use of the two programs in tandem allows the architect to change any graphic entity to an object, by assigning it a type of material and location, and to link the design of a project to the written documents, quantities and cost estimates, interactively.


Jacques Lioret
DataCAD French Distributor

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 11:01 am
by joshhuggins
The software looks great Jacques! I think I've seen your software in the past here and there. I think I will definitely be looking into it when Datacad's parametric systems come around. Right now our current system of symbol and drawing structure would not benefit from years of poor management, but for those who have a good start in organization of their projects this could be a godsend! Would be nice to have the pics on your website enlargeable so we could see more detail of the program. I'm going to download the trial now :D

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 2:03 pm
by Miguel Palaoro
Hello Jacques,

It's nice to meet you again.

Your software seems to be very powerful, for making the whole job of extracting quantities, managing cost estimation, and developing the production management for the project.

Estimating is very particular for each country, with several variables attached to each individual situation. I'll give you an example: constructions in Brazil uses some materials that perhaps wouldn't be economical in France and vice-versa. And several projects rules in France doesn't apply in Brazil, especially because of climate, umidity characteristics, people skills, etc., etc.

IMHO, the part in your software that could be used in any country, worldwide, would be the extraction of quantities on the projects. I would like to understand how this works in your conception.

• Does it requires the 3D model already built, for applying the attributes attachment ?
• Could you please elaborate some more on the method ?
