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#74121 by dhs
Thu Jun 14, 2018 2:56 pm
I am working on some logic to select a room - vaguely like contour search but automatically skipping over openings such as windows and doors.
I have developed an initial algorithm, and am seeking comments/suggestions regarding the functionality. To demonstrate the functionality as it is now please view the following short video:


Currently the logic depends on the following:
  • Wall junctions must be cleaned (i.e. lines must end and meet exactly at room corners)
  • Walls must be on a separate layer to any other lines in the vicinity (i.e. windows, doors etc. should not be on the same layer as the walls)
  • Entire room outline must be on the screen (the DCAL ent_near function seems to use the screen display rather than the drawing database to locate entites near to the specified point, so if the outline goes off the screen it will not work)
  • You need to select an actual line entity that is part of the room outline (unlike contour search where you select a point inside/outside the space)

This is not intended to be a standalone macro, but should eventually be part of a new 'Spaces' macro. I am looking for suggestions or comments at this stage in the hope of making the final functionality as useful as possible. I am happy to send a copy of the macro on request to anybody who is interested in looking at it more closely, and I will carefully consider any suggestions received (although obviously I cannot promise that I will be able to include suggestions in the final macro).

David H.

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