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New BUILTIN procedures

PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 2:22 pm
by dhs
I have posted this request elsewhere, but probably more appropriate on this DDN Board:
Does anybody have a complete listing of BUILTIN procedures (particularly in the range 634 to 651 inclusive which do not appear to be documented anywhere)?

I am in the process of updating my DCAL manual. In addition to the 'missing' procedures, can anybody provide details of the use of the following procedures:

PROCEDURE do_Get_Active_SSet; BUILTIN 672;
When I first saw this I assumed that it was a function returning the active SS num. But it is a procedure with no parameters. Does anybody know exactly what it does?

PROCEDURE Explode_Symbol_Entity(Syment : In Out entity; Where : integer); BUILTIN 677;
Can anybody tell me what the Where parameter is ?

David H.

Re: New BUILTIN procedures

PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 4:41 pm
by David A. Giesselman

The first one should be "function Get_Active_SSet : integer; BUILTIN 672;".

For Explode_Symbol_Entity, the Where parameter is defined as follows:

0 = The Active layer
1 = The Symbol's insertion layer
2 = The symbol's entity's original layers

I will try to get a list of new BUILTINs compiled for you, just know that I'm very busy with other projects right now.


Re: New BUILTIN procedures

PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 1:17 pm
by dhs
Thanks Dave