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#76260 by Mark F. Madura
Fri Apr 19, 2019 8:36 am

I've been trying out DOSBox for an environment to compile classic DCAL macros. Everything was working the first day or so. Then yesterday, I got a compiler error in a unit due to a typo. I made the correction in UltraEdit and saved the file as I had been doing. However, the error persists as if the previous version of the file is still being used. In fact the date on the file is still yesterday's date.

I've tried restarting DOSBox but that does not cure the problem. Is there a drive cache for DOSBox that I need to clear? I can't find anything in the documentation to suggest this.

Thank You,

#76265 by dhs
Fri Apr 19, 2019 2:53 pm
... I was making edits to a different file.

I was just about to politely suggest that may be the case when I read your second post!

The only issue I have had with DOSBox is that it doesn't like it if the parameter list is more than 128 characters. Not sure if this is a DOS restriction or something with DOSBox specifically. This applied even if the parameters were in a .lnk file
As a result of this I had to rename some of my units so that the dcl command would work for linking Space Planner (e.g. 'Edits.dcs' became 'Ed.dcs' and so on), but I expect there are not too many macros with so many units.

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