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Change custom PaperSize

PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 4:44 am
by sam_bar
Is there any way to change in a printer, the custom paper size, by a macro writen in classic Dcad code ?

Re: Change custom PaperSize

PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 5:27 am
by dhs
I've never used any of the printing functions, but the plotOpen10 and plotMode10 functions have parameters to specify the X & Y values of the custom paper size in mm.

I think these functions were added around DataCAD 13 but are not documented in the DCAL Manual supplied with DataCAD, although they are documented in the DataCAD 22 What's New document (and also in the version of the manual available on my web site).

Sorry I can't offer any other advice on the use of these functions.