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OT: A personal note

PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 3:30 pm
by dhs
Although I have responded to a few posts on this forum, I have not been very active in writing any new macros over the last year or so and thought that perhaps an explanation would be appropriate:

I was extremely sick from late December into March with Immunotherapy induced Gastritis which caused me to be unable to eat and resulted in me being tube fed for several weeks (with feeding into the small bowel as my stomach could not cope with anything). The cause was not immediately apparent to my doctor and it was hard to get some test and see specialists over the Christmas period. I lost a lot of weight and strength and was unable to do a lot of things whilst various treatments did not help (even after the cause was identified); eventually I was treated with an immunosuppressant drug which resulted in a spectacularly quick recovery of my appetite, but it took a while to get my strength back.

Fortunately I have recovered completely (and the cancer that the immunotherapy was treating also appears to be no longer there), but I had a big backlog of things I needed to do which did not leave a lot of time for DataCAD macros etc (I did actually do a bit once my mind cleared up but before I was strong enough to do anything physical, but as I gained strength other tasks took priority). I have continued to monitor this forum and reply to the occasional post, but have not really done much else DataCAD related this year.

Hopefully I will be able to continue to develop macros next winter (I never find much time for it over the warmer months even when I am well...)

David H.

Re: OT: A personal note

PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 6:25 pm
by joshhuggins
Congrats on your recovery success, I pray that you will continue to see marked improvement! I just had a celebratory breakfast just today with my father in law on his last radiation treatment for some nasty cancer business. Glad to hear some good outcomes today! :D

Re: OT: A personal note

PostPosted: Tue Oct 24, 2023 3:44 pm
by Mark Bell
Well done David in overcoming the illness and getting back on your feet, hopefully with a bounce in your step too. Enjoy the fresh air of the Blue Mountains and I'm sure, we all look forward to more of your contributions with future DataCAD Macros.