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Undocumented DCAL commands

PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 3:20 am
by ERT
Dcal for Delphi is extended with some commands. This commands are undocumented.
For example:
* CallNone
* LblsOn1: what is difference from LblsOn
* LblsInit1: what is difference from LblsInit
* Ent_Updates
* Ent_Group
* Mode_Ents
* Mode_Stop
* Draw_Mode: what is difference from Ent_DrawMode
* CheckAngs
* Dis_From_Line2: what is difference from Dis_From_Line
* Dis_From_Seg2: what is difference from Dis_From_Seg
* CalcPlane
* Interb
* UnitVec
* Plane_Wall_Fence
* Round_Wall_Fence
* SetWorkLyr
* DoDimScale
* SetGEscLvl
* SetClipActive

* Sym_Purge
* Sym_Update

Please, you give some information from these commands.