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Need To Perform Boolean Operation

PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 7:51 am
by snehat

I am Using DirectX 9.0,VS.Net 2005 (C#).

My purpose is to place Door /Window on Wall.Area of a Door / Window should be Cut out form Wall (should perform Cut operation(from selected area or height/width of Door/window) on wall).

I am using my own Engine Base on Axiom 3d Engine. 3D Objects are treated as ScenNode. My Objects are based on 3DS File Format.I need a Function which will accept 2 objects (Scene Nodes which contains NumberofFaces as well as VertexData) ,should be able to identify Intersection Faces or Vertices's of both the objects and perform a boolean operation (Union or Intersect or subtraction).

Please provide me some solution in form of C# code or dll that can perform boolean operation.

Thaks in Advance. Smile