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Attributes on faces of solids

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 2:12 pm
by Miguel Palaoro
Hello fellows,

I'd like to remind the macro "Touch Up", from Unique software. It creates hatches on single faces from solid objects with plane faces: slab, block or polygon. I remind this macro because it has a very smart way to select single faces from integer solid objects (kept unexploded).

When the user wants to hatch a face he selects that face by one of its edges. So, when it is a 'solid' entity (i.e.: a slab) any edge is at least coincident with another face.

As soon as an edge is selected it 'blinks' separately each one of that edge-coincident faces, allowing the choice to the user. It is a very smart solution to offer the operator an option to choose among the faces, which one will be hatched.

This brought to me some questions for attributes attachments. I am targetting an inventory of quantities for service items in a 3D model/project.

Note: I am insisting with the 'integer' solids, because I want to remain with the possibility to get the volume and surface areas of the 3D object.

Let's go to some questions:

a) Would be possible that the 'blinking' routine to become available on public domain, for use in a future macro to do the takeoff job ?

b) 'In thesis', using this smart toggle, would be possible to route around the faces of a solid, to attach 'attributes' to each single face of an integer 3D entity ?

c) Can this attributes be of a different nature, other then "text" as it is today ?

d) On the rendering front, is there any chance of attaching textures to any of the single faces of an integer solid, instead of having to explode it into the components faces ?

Anyone who would like to comment on this subject will be very welcome.
