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Accessing Layers in DCAL

PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2008 9:28 am
by Bob Myles
I need to activeOnly/ turn on three layers based on a users click, so they can act on them later in the macro. I cannot seem to get the logic for the syntax for the Layers on/off commands. Here is what I have benn doing, but this doesn't work. Can someone give me some guidance?

If I use
pause (0.5);
in place of the IF statement in the loop all of the layerNames show up, so I think the loop works, it is just the IF statement i am having trouble with...

getesc (key);

IF key = f1 THEN

wrtmsg('1st floor Loading');

lyr := lyr_first;
WHILE NOT lyr_nil (lyr) DO

if = layerName1='1-Joist' then
lyr_seton (lyr, true, true);
lyr_seton (lyr, false, true);
lyr := lyr_next (lyr);

Help is GREATLY appreciated!!!!


PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 4:52 pm
by Bob Myles
String compare
strcomp(str1,str2,len) results in True/False

Doesn't work:
IF LayerName1 = '1-Joist'

If strcomp(layerName1,'1-joist',-1) then...