The DataCAD Developer Network (DDN) is an online resource for information and support for DCAL® (DataCAD Applications Language) developers as well as anyone interested in creating fonts, toolbars, hatch patterns, or linetypes for use in DataCAD.
#36646 by joshhuggins
Sat Jun 07, 2008 3:54 am
From a non-programmers point of view it is a tough read so far, but it is slowly making sense in relative terms and helping me understand the underlying principles. I've been reading it for the first time thru away from my desk as a sort of cursory review and highlighting information I think may be points of interests when I make the second time thru. Definitely not as easy of a read as my Delphi for Dummies book. :wink: But as a great programmer, somewhere, once said, "If you make something simple enough for an idiot to use, only an idiot will want to use it." So keep it coming, and we'll hit the books. Thanks for the great start.
#36649 by joshhuggins
Sat Jun 07, 2008 11:17 am
Actually all my reading has been done away from my computer so far, so I haven't checked out the CD yet, sorry. Busy busy at work these days working on implementing the "smart stuff" from version 12's release at my new job. I'll see if I can sneak a peek this weekend.

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