Forum dedicated to drawing translation issues.
#82458 by sam_bar
Wed Sep 06, 2023 11:15 am
When I translate a line of 2=weight in DATACAD
to AUTOCAD, a line of 1=weight is obtained in AUTOCAD.
Is there a way to keep the line thickness in AUTOCAD
#82459 by David Porter
Wed Sep 06, 2023 12:04 pm
Don't think so. In DCAD, there are two ways to use line weight. One, is the "old school" method that I have always used and that is making certain lines on the screen into heavier weight lines. That technique does not translate to other CADprograms as far as I know. The other technique works the same with AwfulCAD and other CAD programs and that is to designate line weights by use of the Pen Table. You can set different pen colors to print out at different line weights. Those would translate to other CAD programs if in those programs, their pen tables for different line colors matched up to the line weights in your pen tables.

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