Forum dedicated to drawing translation issues.
#48017 by rlmorton
Tue May 18, 2010 5:24 pm
Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 3:53 pm Post subject: Working with Autocad users


I recently have been fortunate enough to have work that I have contracted out to a couple of Autocad users -
I have simply turned over all drafting to them - because of interface issues between autocad and datacad - my question is are there procedures when interfacing with Autocad that will generate less heartburn. I always have issues with their text aspect - arrow heads never show up, dimension text always needs resized and what is the deal with their 3d lines? Oh and what about pen tables can I dictate to them a pen table?

#48025 by MtnArch
Tue May 18, 2010 10:18 pm
Rick -

Have the Acad'rs use a symbol for the arrow heads (they're using polylines, which DON'T show up in DC); make sure that you're using the same SHX file for the font, and the 3D lines ... well, you'll just have to run the 3D Line macro on them.

As for pen tables, Acad uses two different tables (CTB or STB) - depending on how the Acad'rs are used to doing them. There isn't any easy way to translate one to the other, other than sitting down with them and having them create a new definition that matches up lineweights visually so that they appear to plot the same.

Good luck!

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